How to Strip Leading and Trailing Quote from String, in Ruby

How to strip leading and trailing quote from string, in Ruby

You could also use the chomp function, but it unfortunately only works in the end of the string, assuming there was a reverse chomp, you could:


Implementing rchomp is straightforward:

class String
def rchomp(sep = $/)
self.start_with?(sep) ? self[sep.size..-1] : self

Note that you could also do it inline, with the slightly less efficient version:


EDIT: Since Ruby 2.5, rchomp(x) is available under the name delete_prefix, and chomp(x) is available as delete_suffix, meaning that you can use


Removing leading and trailing double quotes in string in rails

You can also use .tr method.

str = "\"hai"
str ='\"', '')

##OR!('\"', '')


Remove leading and trailing quotes from string if both are present

You can use

str.gsub(/\A"+(.*?)"+\Z/m, '\1')

The pattern will match a string starting with one or more ", then it can have any characters, any amount of them and then one or more double quotes at the end of the string. The whole string without the leading and trailing quotes will be inserted into the replacement result with the \1 backreference.

See IDEONE demo

To only trim out the first and last double qoute, you may use

str.gsub(/\A"(.*)"\Z/m, '\1')

how Remove double quotes from a string ruby on rails?

str = 'hello " 5," world'

str.gsub!('"', '')

puts str #hello 5, world

How to remove leading and trailing spaces at comma and single quotes from string

# read as string
csv = file.strip, "r:bom|utf-8"
# parse and separate header and the rest
head, *rest = csv.split($/).map { |row| row.split(/["']*\s*,\s*['"]*/) }
# produce the hash requested { |row| }
#⇒ [
# [0] {
# "Date" => "Mar 22",
# "Line" => "heartbeat",
# "MatchedLine" => "kernel: heartbeat event \\n\"'",
# "SN" => "C0001",
# "TIME" => "02:50:25"
# },
# [1] {
# "Date" => "Mar 22",
# "Line" => "Wait max",
# "MatchedLine" => "kernel: Wait max 12 seconds and start polling eCM \\n\"'",
# "SN" => "C0002",
# "TIME" => "02:50:25"
# }
# ]

Remove trailing spaces from each line in a string in ruby


Its probably doable with regex but I prefer this way.

how to remove the quote from string?

This is assuming your strings will always be of the "msgid..." format shown above and your inteded output was 'msgid "text here"':

>> str.gsub(/(msgid )"{1,}(.*) "{1,}(.*)"/, '\1"\2 \3"')
=> "msgid "We couldn't set up that account, sorry. Please try again or contact an admin (link is above).""
>> puts str.gsub(/(msgid )"{1,}(.*) "{1,}(.*)"/, '\1"\2 \3"')
msgid "We couldn't set up that account, sorry. Please try again or contact an admin (link is above)."

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