Sidekiq Memory Usage Reset

Sidekiq terminated when high memory usage during generating watermark in server

You've provided nowhere near the amount of details needed for us to give you informed advice, but I'll try something general: How many Sidekiq workers are you running? Consider reducing the #, then queue up tons of request to simulate a heavy load; keep doing that until you have few enough workers that Sidekiq can comfortably handle the worst load. (Or until you confirm that the issue appears the same even when there's only 1 Sidekiq worker!)

Once you've done that, then you'll have a better feel for the contours of the problem: something that looks like an Rmagick memory leak issue when your server is overloaded, may look different (or give you more ideas on how to address it) when you reduce the workload.

Also take a look at this similar SO question about Rmagick and memory leaks; it might be worth forcing garbage collection to limit how much damage any given leak can cause.

Sidekiq causing memory bloat in rails app

From a quick google it sounds like you are experiencing memory fragmentation which is pretty normal for Sidekiq. Are you using class variables at all? Does your code require classes during execution time? How many AR queries are you executing? Many AR queries create thousands, if not millions, of objects and throw them away. Is your code thread-safe? As per this post from the author of Sidekiq, we can see memory bloat happens from a large number of memory arenas in multithreaded applications. There are some details of a solution in that article and even the readme of the Sidekiq repo that are very helpful, but it might be worth outlining the causation to understand why memory bloat happens in 'rails/ruby'.

Memory allocation in Ruby involves three layers: interpreter, OS memory allocator library and the kernal. Ruby organises objects in memory arenas called Ruby heap pages and a ruby heap page is divided into equal-sized slots, where one object occupies a slot. These slots are either occupied or free and when Ruby allocates a new object, it tries to occupy a free slot. If there are no free slots, it will allocate a new heap page. Each slot has a byte limit and if an object is higher than the byte limit, a pointer is placed in the heap page to the object.

Memory fragmentation is when these allocations happen and is quite frequent in high thread applications. When garbage collection happens the heap page marks a cleared slot as free and allows the slot to be reused. If all objects in the heap page are marked as free then the heap page is freed back to the memory allocator and potentially the kernal. Ruby does not promise garbage collection on all objects, so what happens when not all free slots are freed and there a large amount of heap pages that are partially filled? The heap pages have available slots for Ruby to allocate to but the memory allocator still thinks they are allocated memory. The memory allocator does not release the entire OS heaps at once and can release any individual OS page, just once all allocations are released for said page.

So threading plays an issue as each thread try's to allocate memory from the same OS heap at the same time and they contend for access. Only one thread can perform an allocation at a time, which reduces multithreaded memory allocation performance. The memory allocator attempts to optimize performance by creating multiple OS heaps and tries to assign different threads to its own OS heap.

If you have access to ruby 2.7 you can call GC.compact to combat this. It provides a way to find objects that can be moved in Ruby and condenses them and reduces the amount of heap pages used. Empty slots that have been freed through GC in-between consumed slots can now be condensed against. Say, for example, you have a heap page with four slots and only slot one, two and four have an object assigned. The compact call will evaluate if object four is a movable object and will assign it to slot three and any references associated with the object and redirect to slot three. Slot four is now placed with a T_MOVED object and the final GC replaces the T_MOVED object with T_EMPTY, ready for assignment.

Personally, I would not rely solely on GC.compact and you could do the simple MALLOC_ARENA_MAX trick, but have a read of the source documents and you should find a suitable solution.

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