Twitter Bootstrap Displays Button with Greyed Text

Twitter bootstrap displays button with greyed text

Did you run a scaffold generator? Scaffold.css will cause this. If you remove it you'll be good to go.

You can also run the generator with --skip-stylesheets to prevent them being created

Twitter-bootstrap buttons with gray text after scaffold generator

It's because you're actually using a link.

It only looks like a button because of the added class btn and btn-info which adds the twitter bootstrap styles. When you click on a link, the browser usually remembers that you already visited that link and shows you the visited state the next time you see it.

You might also want to add css styles to the visited state of the link to change it from being gray.

Assuming you want it to stay white, you can do so by adding the following:

.session_button:visited { color:#FFF; }

Also check out CSS selector for visited links.

Rails: Twitter Bootstrap Buttons when visited get black text color

You could always style the a.btn items, to remove the decorations on the pseudo classes such as :visited

Twitter bootstrap .btn class: Button text color changes after being clicked on

To retain color after click you need to add following css:

.btn:focus, .btn-success:focus{

Find Bootply Demo HERE

Twitter bootstrap .btn class: Button text color changes after being clicked on

To retain color after click you need to add following css:

.btn:focus, .btn-success:focus{

Find Bootply Demo HERE

IE9 Rendering issue with Bootstrap buttons

The bootstrap guys do mention this on their github page, and they don't currently have a way of fixing it. It's an issue with IE9 only as it overrides their code, and anyone else's. There isn't currently a way of fixing this, although I suppose you could experiment with creating a disabled button image, and using a higher z-index to put it over the top of the nasty-looking button, although that is probably a fair amount of hassle... Hope that helps.

twitter-bootstrap: how to get rid of underlined button text when hovering over a btn-group within an a -tag?

{ text-decoration: none !important}


For you example only a{text-decoration: none} will works

You can use a class not to interfere with the default behaviour of <a> tags.

<a href="#" class="nounderline">
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn">Text</button>
<button class="btn">Text</button>


.nounderline {
text-decoration: none !important

Why are bootstrap default buttons in bootstrap 3 dark grey for me?

This is the answer from Bootstrap's Github repository:

The CDN has 3.0.0 RC1; the hosted docs are for git HEAD of the
3.0.0-wip branch, where the default button color has changed.

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