Capistrano 3 Change Ssh_Options Inside Task

Capistrano 3 change ssh_options inside task

Capistrano 3

I had hard time finding out a solution. But the solution is much nicer than version 2. Cap team has done a great job. Make sure you have updated Capistrano to 3.2.x+ Here's the trick:

# in config/deploy/production.rb, or config/deploy/staging.rb
# These roles are used for deployment that works with Cap hooks
role :app, %w{}
role :web, %w{}
role :db, %w{}

# Use additional roles to run side job out side Capistrano hooks
# 'foo' is another ssh user for none-release purpose tasks (mostly root tasks).
# e.g. user 'deploy' does not have root permission, but 'foo' has root permission.
# 'no_release' flag is important to flag this user will skip some standard hooks
# (e.g. scm/git/svn checkout )
role :foo_role, %w{}, no_release: true

Make sure both 'deploy' & 'foo' user can ssh into the box. Within your tasks, use the on keyword:

task :restart do
on roles(:foo_role) do
sudo "service nginx restart"

task :other_standard_deployment_tasks do
on release_roles(:all) do
# ...

Other gotchas:

Make sure some Capistrano tasks skips the additional no release role you added. Otherwise, it might cause file permission issues during deployment. E.g. capistrano/bundler extension need to override the default bundler_roles

set :bundler_roles, %w(web app db)  # excludes the no release role.
  • Read more about no_release flag: related Github issue.

Capistrano 2

I used to have a custom functions to close and reconnect ssh sessions.

  • Reference Paul Gross's Blog

Place the following methods in deploy.rb. Call with_user to switch ssh session. Slightly simplified version:

def with_user(new_user, &block)
old_user = user
set :user, new_user
set :user, old_user

def close_sessions
sessions.values.each { |session| session.close }


task :update_nginx_config, :roles => :app do
with_user "root" do
sudo "nginx -s reload"

Declaring and using ruby functions within capistrano 3 tasks

There are two problems with your example, the correct lines are:

Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/tasks/*.cap').each { |r| import r }                                                                                                                                      
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/**/*.rb').each { |r| import r }

You can see the complete example here

Capistrano Deploying to Wrong Enviornment

I was able to resolve my problem. My problem was occurring because I forgot to add my production secret_key_base as an environment variable in my production server.

Symfony2 deployment to production using Capistrano 3

The folders structure looks like this:

├── current -> /home/myusername/mydomain/releases/20150120114500/
├── releases
│ ├── 20150080072500
│ ├── 20150090083000
│ ├── 20150100093500
│ ├── 20150110104000
│ └── 20150120114500
├── repo
│ └── <VCS related data>
├── revisions.log
└── shared
└── <linked_files and linked_dirs>

From documentation:

current is a symlink pointing to the latest release. This symlink is updated at the end of a successful deployment. If the deployment fails in any step the current symlink still points to the old release.

Your main app.php file is located in /home/myusername/mydomain/current/web/app.php and you should point your domain exactly to that directory, otherwise you must add directories in path to access that file (eg.

Just point your domain to /home/myusername/mydomain/current/web/.

Rails deployment to staging using capistrano generates the following error

There are two possible solutions

  1. Copy your private key to your deployment machine
    As you can push to Github (this is what I understand) you have a private key on your development machine and the corresponding public key on Github. You can copy your private key onto your deployment machine to get rid of the error

    develeopment-machine$ scp ~/.ssh/ deployment-machine:key

Then ssh to your deployment machine and do

deployment-machine$ mv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/id-rsa.old
deployment-machine$ mv ~/key ~/.ssh/

  1. Create a key on your deployment machine and add public key to Github
    There is a easy to follow explanation how to do that at Github Help

Hope this helps.

Links to projects using Capistrano

If you are on Rails 3:

  • capfile
  • deploy.rb
  • environments
  • development notebook

If you are on Rails 4:

  • capfile
  • deploy.rb
  • environments
  • development notebook

Why I must install gems manually after deploy using Capistrano

You need to specify the rvm ruby version & gemset in your deploy.rb as follow:

set :rvm_ruby_version, '2.0.xx@mygemset'

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