Ruby on Rails Group_By (How to Group Events by Month)

Ruby on Rails group_by (how to group events by month)

def index
@events = Event.all
@event_months = @events.group_by { |t| t.due_at.month }

Month Name in view is given by


group by month rails ruby

I believe you forgot to sort events in the query itself

class EventsController < ApplicationController
def index
@events = Event.all.order(:date)
# HERE: You don't need to enclose that in array, that's why it fails in view
@events_by_month = @events.group_by { |x| }


Then in view you can do

<% @events_by_month.each do |begin_month, events| %>
<h2><%= begin_month.strftime("%B %Y") %></h2>
<% events.each do |firm| %>
<p> <%= %> <%= %></P>
<% end %><br>
<% end %>

No need to sort in view now, it's already sorted (and database it's much more performant in doing this)

Using group_by beginning_of_month, how do I get an event to show again in the next month?

One approach you could take is to first define the list of all months in the range to be displayed, and then associate all events with that month.

You may wish to tweak the code below for your needs - e.g. if you don't want to show events in the past, or in the next calendar year:

first_start_month = Event.minimum(:start_date).beginning_of_month
last_end_month = Event.maximum(:end_date).beginning_of_month

months = [first_start_date]
while(months.last != last_end_month) do
months << months.last + 1.month

@monthly_events = do |m|
[m, { |e| (e.start_date .. e.end_date).include?(m) }]

With this, your view code can remain basically unchanged:

<% @monthly_events.each do |month, events| %>
<h2><%= month.strftime('%B') %></h2>

<% events.each do |event| %>

<li><%= event.title %></li>
<%= event.start_date %>
<%= event.end_date %>

<% end %>
<% end %>

Group ruby array in rails by year and month

You want to group events by month and year as I understood.
Then use
@events_by_month = @events.group_by { |x| [,] }
you'll receive

{[3, 2014]=>[#<Event id: 7032, date: "2014-03-02 00:00:00">]},{[3,2015]=> [#<Event id: 7033, date: "2015-03-02 00:00:00">]}

It will be more correct then duplicated keys in your example.

SQLite: group records by month they were created and get a count of records per month

My mentor led me to this:

So I can do something like this to return a hash with months as the keys:

months = Event.all.group_by { |t| t.created_at.beginning_of_month }

Rails group_by showing multiple times

By using:

 <%= render @events %>

Rails is iterating all of your events and rendering the _event.html.erb partial each time.

You could try placing the event_months code in its own partial, in the index.html.erb, or in another location.

group_by multiple times in ruby

I think following will work for you,

events = [
{ name: 'Event 1', date: '2019-02-21 08:00:00', area: 'South', micro_area: 'A' }

events.group_by { |x| x[:date] }.transform_values do |v1|
v1.group_by { |y| y[:area] }.transform_values do |v2|
v2.group_by { |z| z[:micro_area] }
# {
# "2019-02-21 08:00:00"=>{
# "South"=>{
# "A"=>[
# {:name=>"Event 1", :date=>"2019-02-21 08:00:00", :area=>"South", :micro_area=>"A"}
# ]
# }
# }
# }

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