Rails 3 - Devise/Actionmailer/Ruby-Smtp Causing a Segmentation Fault

Segmentation fault using ActionMailer with Ruby 1.9.3-p125

I ran into a similar issue with Paperclip that was related to how openssl was compiled when installing ruby 1.9.3. Not 100% sure this is the same issue your having, but I'd bet it is.

To solve this issue I reinstalled ruby and fresh gemset after installing the rvm openssl pkg:

$ rvm pkg install openssl
$ rvm remove 1.9.3-p125
$ rvm install 1.9.3-p125 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr

Does Ruby 1.9.3 use the Ruby 1.91. network stack? Or did RVM mess me up?

I got bitten by this recently: apparently, because the standard library didn't change, they didn't raise the version. I got the 1.9.3 vs 1.9.2 from Debian packages, but understand it covers the whole thing.

Ruby on Rails/Devise smtp.rb segmentation fault

I was able to fix this by upgrading the Devise gem to version 1.4.8. However, after upgrading this I got an error "undefined method `new_session_path'." I then upgraded to Devise version 1.4.9 and everything is working fine now. Hope this helps someone.


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