Can You Append to Specific Elements in an Array Based on If Statement Conditions

Can you append to specific elements in an array based on if statement conditions?

def pig_latina(word)
prefix = word[0, %w(a e i o u).map{|vowel| "#{word}aeiou".index(vowel)}.min]
prefix = 'qu' if word[0, 2] == 'qu'
prefix.length == 0 ? "#{word}way" : "#{word[prefix.length..-1]}#{prefix}ay"

phrase = "The dog jumped over the quail"
translated = phrase.scan(/\w+/).map{|word| pig_latina(word)}.join(" ").capitalize

puts translated # => "Ethay ogday umpedjay overway ethay ailquay"

JavaScript - prevent push of certain element into an array if condition is true

Just add this to if statement

for (var i = 0; i < userProfile.length; i++) {
if (userProfile[i].userGenre == me.meGenre && userProfile[i].userid != me.meUserid) {

Can I add items to a slice in the creation statement depending on a condition?

No, you can't have conditional inclusion of listed elements in a composite literal.

And it may be more verbose using an additional if and append(), but it's much more obvious what happens (what your code does).

You could achieve something like this using a helper function passing the condition and all the elements, but that just obfuscates the code more and would have worse performance.

How to add elements to an array based on a condition?

You can reduced increment count by 1, when user inputs wrong/no number.

Also note, you are code currently reading input only for 4(not 5 as question description says.) numbers.

int[] numbers = new int[4];

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number: ");
string c = Console.ReadLine();
int value;
if (int.TryParse(c, out value))
numbers[i] = value;
Console.WriteLine("You did not enter a number\n");

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++ )
Console.Write(numbers[i] + " ");

Python 3 using an if statement to read the values in 1 array and append another value to another array

You're comparing i, your loop counter to your grade validator.

You want the loopcounter to say which item of the array to call out.
So if i = 0 in one instance, it's looking to see if 0 is greater than 70 and less than 100.
If i = 5, and you're calling percent[i], you're getting the sixth value in the array percent, 88.

percent = [33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99]
grade = []

for i in range(0, len(percent)):
if percent[i] >= 70 and percent[i] <= 100:
grade.append("Grade A")
elif percent[i] >= 60 and percent[i] <= 69:
grade.append("Grade B")
elif percent[i] >= 50 and percent[i] <= 59:
grade.append("Grade C")
elif percent[i] >= 45 and percent[i] <= 49:
grade.append("Grade D")
grade.append("No grade achieved")


using an array as a condition in an if loop

You can use any builtin function:


v1 = [[-2.736, -0.466, -2.248], [-3.373, -2.93, -1.288], [-0.765, -3.666, 1.123], [-1.269, 1.882, 1.073], [3.444, 1.159, -3.183], [3.339, 2.289, 0.759], [-4.057, 2.649, -0.189], [0.317, 1.196, -3.699], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
for numi,i in enumerate(v1):
if any(v in ala or v in gly for v in i):
for numj,j in enumerate(v1):
if any(v in ala or v in gly for v in j)::

appending an array in while loop and if condition

You are reinitialising the list dgt for every loop iteration. Move it outside the loop.

n = -12
dgt = []
while n < 15:
if n < 0:
n = n+1

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