Ruby on Rails: Creating a Model Entry with a Belongs_To Association

Ruby on rails: Creating a model entry with a belongs_to association

Just call create on the jobs collection of the client:

c = Client.find(1) => "Test", :description => "This is a test")

Rails - Creating a belongs_to association between models prevents me from editing the model


belongs_to :moderator, class_name: "User", optional: true

In rails 5, belongs_to enforces existence of the associated record by default. You need to use optional: true in order to allow moderator_id to be nil.

Rails 5: Creating an object with a belongs_to association that belongs_to user

Although there is probably a more standard use case sort of answer, the following worked for me.

I created a new column in the user table to store an integer in active_project to reference the project's id. When making a doc, I first set @project to the project with the id of current_user.active_project, then create the doc as belonging to the @project.

This may be a little backwards, but it works, and I can use the active_project data to allow users to revisit their last project open login. Thanks @pavan for the suggestions, they set me down the right path! :)

Rails when creating record, inserting belongs_to association

in rails way you can use the build_association method refer doc. Also the association should be created only when parent object is created so use after_create callback

class Character < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :character_stats

after_create :create_stats

def create_stats
state = self.build_character_stats({}) # empty hash as you are not passing any attributes


Also, the model name CharacterStats looks plural and that can violate the naming convention and can cause some issue like resolving association class on run time and so.

Force create a record with a belongs_to association

To be clear, yes this is possible.

Associations in your models are only there to set foreign keys in your datatables. As such, if you wanted to create a Job (although it belongs_to :user), you'd be able to set all the attributes you desired, and then update :user_id later.

Here's a good reference:

Sample Image

This shows the datatable structure for the typical belongs_to / has_many association. Whilst to associate the two objects, you need to have the correct foreign_key, you can populate them as you wish.

Rails: How to create a new record in a belongs_to + has_many relationship with both ends validating the presence of each other?

can u try something like this?

game =
manufacturer = [game])

and turn on

class Manufacturer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :games, autosave: true
# etc etc

CRUD method for a model that belongs_to many models Rails

As @Anthony noted, you'll need to make your belongs_to associations optional:

# app/models/contact.rb

class Contact < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :branch, optional: true
belongs_to :division, optional: true

But another problem is that params[:division_id] and params[:branch_id] are always nil. Both of those keys exist inside the [:contact] key. So the error you are getting should be ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Division with 'id'=

All that conditional logic is unnecessary. You can just make a new contact with whatever params are given. Also, you should be using Ruby convention for variable naming, which is snake_case instead of camelCase.

Finally, I assume you'll want to redirect HTML requests to either the branch or the division show page, depending on which was associated. So I've added logic to do that.

Here's a quick refactoring of the controller #create action:

  def create
@new_contact =

branch = @new_contact.branch
division = @new_contact.division
redirect_path = branch ? branch_path(branch) : division_path(division)

respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to redirect_path, :notice => 'Contact created successfully!' }
format.json { render json: @new_contact, status: :created, location: @new_contact }
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render action: "new" }
format.json { render json: @new_contact, status: :unprocessable_entity }

This proves that it works:

# spec/controllers/contacts_controller_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ContactsController, type: :controller do
let(:company) { Company.create!(name: 'Company Name') }
let(:division) { Division.create!(name: 'Division Name', company: company) }
let(:branch) { Branch.create!(name: 'Branch Name', company: company) }

describe '#create' do
context 'when created with a division id' do
let(:attributes) { {'division_id' =>, 'name' => 'Contact Name'} }

it 'creates a contact record and associates it with the division' do
expect(Contact.count).to eq(0)
post :create, params: {contact: attributes}

expect(Contact.count).to eq(1)
contact = Contact.first
expect(contact.division).to eq(division)

context 'when created with a branch id' do
let(:attributes) { {'branch_id' =>, 'name' => 'Contact Name'} }

it 'creates a contact record and associates it with the branch' do
expect(Contact.count).to eq(0)
post :create, params: {contact: attributes}

expect(Contact.count).to eq(1)
contact = Contact.first
expect(contact.branch).to eq(branch)

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