Rails User Profile Page Only Accessible to Correct User

Rails user profile page only accessible to correct user

This one should help to detect current_user is correct.

class UsersController < ApplicationController

before_action :check_user


def check_user
if current_user != @user
redirect_to root_url, alert: "Sorry, This Profile belongs to someone else !"

Rails - Devise - User Profile url with username on

Change your controller

class UserController < ApplicationController
def profile
@user = User.find_by_username(params[:username])

Then the route

match 'user/:username' => 'user#profile'

Creating User Profiles

recently i created user profile so that user can add/edit his personal details,see what he has uploaded.what he has liked,posted and edit/delete/update anything that he has created/uploaded.So in user profile all you need is to fetch all details/associated models of that user and show.So as u already have devise..you can get current_user and use user.rb model to understand all associations of user and get the data using associations ans display it on profile page

i have created a profile_controller
so in my nav_bar i have a link_to <% link_to "View Profile",show_profile_path(current_user) %>

where user is directed to profiles controller and i show the details without creating a new model(user has_one :profile)

i have a dedicated page to show profile details + a small page to show any user profile when hovered on users image

take a look here for view side idea... user profile page on bootstrap 3

=======updated part===========

suppose i have a user.rb(using devise)

###different associations of user can be:=
##this user can like/dislike any model having acts_as_votable
##user can tags post/audio/videos/images
##my user can create post,pages,upload images/videos/songs/locations etc...
has_many :posts, :class_name => 'Post', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :pages, :class_name => 'Page', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :images, :class_name => 'Image', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :videos, :class_name => 'Video', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :audios, :class_name => 'Audio', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :places, :class_name => 'Place', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :profile_pictures, :class_name => 'ProfilePicture', :dependent => :destroy

#####so..as now i know that **my user can have post/pages/audios/videos** etc...i can also get the details about those associations(assuming you have configured belongs_to in associated models as well + tables with foreign_key as user_id in eash associtated table),such as:-*

##to get all videos that user has uploaded
##same applies for other associated models as well
####So now you have all user(current_user data)...
###its time to show data in profiles_controller..
##your show method
## profile#show
def show
@user=User.find current_user.id
@all_user_videos=@user.videos..and so on
##get all user videos/images..etc and show it in your view file
##your view file can be the one that i shared the link or any other way that you want...
###there are lot of ways...google around and then you can get an idea as how to display user_profile page..as now you have the data(*Yipee*)

end##method ends

hope this helps

User profile creation in Rails, with Devise for users?

These are the steps I did to create that kind of environment:
Run these commands on the command line:

rails new pinterest
rails generate scaffold user name:string age:integer
rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Make the route:

# routes.rb
get '/:name' => "users#show"

Update the set_user method to find the user by name

# users_controller.rb
def set_user
@user = User.find_by_name(params[:name])

Then all you need to do is create a new user and access it using it's name.

how to not let a user open any other users page?

Just change your UsersController#correct_user to catch ActiveRecord NotFound exception:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

def correct_user
@user = User.find(params[:id])
redirect_to(root_url) unless current_user?(@user)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound


Second root which redirects to users profile page when logged in without using Devise

In your static_pages_controller.rb file just add:

def home 
if logged_in?
redirect_to current_user

How to show public version of user profile in Rails?

There are tons of ways of doing this, and I do not think there is a cleanest way.

I would probably break the page into partials, one partial for each grouping of information you need.

Then you could have variables control which partials get rendered.

For example (in HAML):

- if @admin
render :partial => 'admin_panel'

For the real simple stuff you could inline the if (and not have a partial)

Alternatively, if stuff is getting out of hand, you can have different views for each "show" page.

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