Fresh Install of Rails and Getting Openssl Errors: "Already Initialized Constant Openssl"

Fresh install of Rails and getting OpenSSL errors: already initialized constant OpenSSL

gem uninstall openssl -v 2.0.3

gem install openssl -v 2.0.2

That should fix it.

rails 5.0.1 already initialized

I did not solve it, but I managed to get around the problem, after I generated the project, I enter the gem file and change the version of rails, and I put the version of ssl that runs on my machine.

gem 'openssl', '2.0.4'

# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails', branch: '4-2-stable'

after putting it, make a bundle install the wheel design.

Already initialized constant in jruby-openssl

I could finally get rid of it by removing the gem altogether. According to this source, jruby-openssl is now directly pulled into the jruby project and is not needed anymore as gem.

Thanks everyone for looking into this with me.

another openssl on windows problem that VERIFY_NONE doesn't help

hi guys this errors was fixed in the last version of youtube_it, you can see here


Rails already initialized constant LoadError::REGEXPS error

It was a combination of two things:

  • The system username was camelcased
  • The whole user folder was, weirdly, living in iCloud

The issue was solved by creating a new admin user and turning off the iCloud feature.

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