Require Ruby File Without .Rb Extension

Require ruby file without .rb extension?

Use load instead:

load 'file-name'

Require ruby file without .rb extension?

Use load instead:

load 'file-name'

Ruby 'require' and File Suffixes

A file that require loads has to have an extension that is explicitly stated in the argument of require, or otherwise, be either .rb or .so.

Solution for you is to use load instead.

How does load/require/require_relative handle a file with no file extension?

From the documentation:

Ruby tries adding “.rb”, “.so”, and so on to the name until found.

Execute ruby script without .rb extension?

In linux, the information about the interpreter is usually taken from the shebang line, not from the extension. That's why you basically don't need the extension (but usually need the execute bit in the file attributes).

I don't know what are the traditions in Ruby about file naming (is it considered a good thing or not to include an extension), but it's generally a good idea to follow it (whatever it is).

Require a ruby file in a ruby file

If config.rb is in your load path, you can require it at the top of your basics.rb file with require 'config'. If it is not in your load path, you'll need something like require '/path/to/your/config'.

The code you've posted will require the file. But only when someone POSTs to '/'.

Also, it's normal to omit the .rb extension when requiring ruby files. But you can include it if you like.

You can view your load path by inspecting the global variable $LOAD_PATH. From the command line ruby -e 'puts $LOAD_PATH' will print it for your version of ruby. You can also add directories to your load path.

Clean way to require all files in non-Rails Ruby app?

Just putting it out there: more code does not mean "dirty", just as often as less code does not mean "clean."

Requiring your files manually will give you less headache in the long run—it solves load order issues and prevents you from requiring files you don't actually want. Plus, anyone looking at your code later on has a nice, clean manifest of what's being loaded in your app.

My suggestions:

  1. Drop the src folder, it's redundant—your Ruby app is all source.
  2. Map your namespaces to folders
  3. Use explicit requires (this becomes easier when you use #2:



You are writing specs / tests, aren't you?

Then, in lib/game.rb:

require 'game/game_object.rb'
# require the rest of your library as you build it

module Game

And in your init:

require 'game'
require 'models/character.rb'

Much cleaner, much easier to extract from later on and should solve your problem.

How can I require code from another .rb file like in PHP?

Yes, this is possible, although certainly not something I'd recommend doing. This works:


puts var 


var = "Hello!"

eval("include.rb"), binding)

Running this (Ruby 2.2.1, Ruby 1.9.3) will print Hello!. It works simply: eval takes an optional binding with which to evaluate the code it is passed, and Kernel#binding returns the current binding.

How do I tell RubyMine the file type when the file has no extension?

There are several ways to tell RubyMine that a file is of a particular type:

  1. Begin the command file with a hashbang line that RubyMine recognizes as being Ruby. I don't know what exactly it recognizes, but all of the scripts that gems put in to my bin dir begin with

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby

    and when I make a new script which begins with that line RubyMine also recognizes it as being Ruby (even before I open it). I did notice that when I had a file without this line and then added it I had to quit and restart RubyMine for it to take effect.

  2. Just open the file in RubyMine. When I open a file that RubyMine doesn't recognize, it asks me what type it is and remembers what I tell it.

  3. Register the file manually:

    • Go to Preferences -> IDE Settings -> File Types
    • Under File Types, select "Ruby files"
    • Under Registered Patterns, add a new pattern that matches gem_name

    It would be painful to have to do this for a lot of files, but it might be useful in some cases.

I'm surprised that method 2 didn't work for you already. Maybe you told RubyMine that the file was a text file. Check the Text file type in the File types preferences to be sure your file isn't registered as text.

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