Ruby 'Require' Call Fails on Custom Code

Ruby `require` call fails on custom code

The current directory (relative to the main ruby file) is not part of the load paths (the set of paths that require looks in). So you either need to add it to the load path (best done by invoking ruby as ruby -I. test1.rb), by using require "./test2.rb" or by using require_relative "test2.rb", which requires files relative to the directory of the file.

Dealing with Custom Exceptions Codes from Failed API Call

As Dave said, if the exception is all you've got, you can only capture the exception and do something with that exception as a string.

For example:

rescue Exception => ex
# here "ex.message" contains your string, you can do anything you want with it
# or parse as is:
flash[:notice] = ex.message

redirect_to edit_user_registration_path


If you combine my proposed solution with those put forward by Dave, you'd get something like this, with which you can use your own error strings:

rescue Exception => ex
code = ex.message.match(/.*?- (\d+): (.*)/)[1]

case code
when '172'
flash[:notice] = 'Please wait 30 minutes to create more clients'

redirect_to edit_user_registration_path

Ruby 'require' error: cannot load such file

I just tried and it works with require "./tokenizer". Hope this helps.

Load error when trying to include custom module

Assuming you're using Ruby 1.9, the default $LOAD_PATH no longer includes the current directory. So while statements like require 'sinatra' work just fine (because those gems are in $LOAD_PATH), Ruby doesn't know that your lib/authorization file is located relative to your main Sinatra file.

You can add the Sinatra file's directory to the load path, and then your require statements should work fine:

require 'sinatra'
require 'rubygems' # Not actually needed on Ruby 1.9
require 'datamapper'
require 'dm-core'
require 'lib/authorization'

Dealing with Custom Exceptions Codes from Failed API Call

As Dave said, if the exception is all you've got, you can only capture the exception and do something with that exception as a string.

For example:

rescue Exception => ex
# here "ex.message" contains your string, you can do anything you want with it
# or parse as is:
flash[:notice] = ex.message

redirect_to edit_user_registration_path


If you combine my proposed solution with those put forward by Dave, you'd get something like this, with which you can use your own error strings:

rescue Exception => ex
code = ex.message.match(/.*?- (\d+): (.*)/)[1]

case code
when '172'
flash[:notice] = 'Please wait 30 minutes to create more clients'

redirect_to edit_user_registration_path

Rspec failing on custom exception

You need to put your code in a block so that RSpec can evaluate it, as in:

expect { raise Test::BadError }.to raise_exception( Test::BadError )

When you pass it as a parameter, the error gets raised before RSpec do anything.

How to use custom error messages

Simply modify your script like this.

class MyCustomError < StandardError
def message
"oops... That was not a number"

def print_a_number
puts "chose a number"
number = Float(gets) rescue false
raise MyCustomError unless number.is_a? Numeric
puts "The number you chose is #{number}"
rescue MyCustomError => err
puts err.message
puts err.backtrace.inspect

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