Grit's Clone Method Is Undefined

Can I get the progress of a git clone command, issued in grit, output to stdout?

The reason you’re only getting the first line of output is that the rest of it is sent to stderr, not stdout. There is a :process_info option you can pass to get both exit status, stdout and stderr. See

Example of a git push using either rugged or grit

Ok, I think I figured it out, BUT now It's asking me for my gitHub credentials and I can't type my credentials because I receive a 'Timeout' error.

This is what I did:

Add the remote repo to the project:


Push to github

pusher = repo.git.push({:process_info => true, :progress => true}, 'RemoteRepoName', 'master')

How do I clone a generic List in Java?

ArrayList newArrayList = (ArrayList) oldArrayList.clone();

Download and modify file from Git Repository using Ruby Grit over SSH

Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.


Grit is just for interacting with a local repo, it doesn't manage remote ops (clone/push/pull/fetch) for you.

JGit error when cloning repository

From the stack trace, the error happens in the checkout phase after the repository has been cloned. In this phase, the files and folders as recorded in the HEAD commit are created in the working directory.

So, could it be that there was a commit that introduced a file with special characters in its name? To find out, look at the history of the cloned repository.

Trying to clone a stdClass

When cloning an object, all the object properties are simply copied over to a new instance of the object. In effect this:

$cloned = new stdClass;
$cloned->date = $object->date;

As you probably know, assigning an object to another variable does not duplicate the object; there's still just one object, now with two references to it.

To deep-clone an object you need to implement a custom class with the __clone method and manually clone any child objects of it.

How to copy/clone a hash/object in JQuery?

Yes, extend an empty object with the original one; that way, everything will simply be copied:

var clone = $.extend({}, settings);

Extending some filled object with another, e.g.:

$.extend({a:1}, {b:2})

will return:

{a:1, b:2}

With the same logic:

$.extend({}, {foo:'bar', test:123})

will return:

{foo:'bar', test:123}

i.e. effectively a clone.

Running a function in Javascript but it keeps returning 'undefined' at the end

Replace console.log(Yeah()); with just Yeah();. Your function returns undefined since it has no return statements.

You said it works the way you want already, so I assume you don't need it to return anything. In which case you definitely don't need to log its return value.

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