Does Anyone Have Parsing Rules for the Notepad++ Function List Plugin for Ruby and Rake

Ruby parsing for Notepad++ Function List panel

I have a work-in-progress on Gist:

It reads functions, but does not correctly parse classes / modules. Please feel free to fork and improve.

How set tcl language parsing rules in function list - notepad++ plugin

Never mind,
Notepad+= 5.4.5 unicode and function list 2.0 beta. I have succeded with

<Group name="Global Procedures" subgroup="" icon="8" child="16" autoexp="4" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^proc\s+" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="{" bodyend="}" sep="" /> </Group> <Group name="Namespaces" subgroup="" icon="0" child="0" autoexp="4" matchcase="1" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords=""> <Rules regexbeg="^namespace\s+eval\s+::" regexfunc="[\w_]+" regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" /> </Group>

Notepad++ Function List plugin: Javascript parsing rules to support nested functions

Remove the "body begin" and "body end" characters and it will work:

<Group name="Functions" subgroup="" icon="" child="" autoexp="0" matchcase="0" fendtobbeg="" bbegtobend="" keywords="">
<Rules regexbeg="^\s*function" regexfunc='\s*["\w_]+' regexend="" bodybegin="" bodyend="" sep="" />

(this example works only for the first type of functions you have put as an example)

Does anyone have a Notepad++ plugin that will generate UUIDs and insert them

Install the GhNppExec plugin from Plugin Central, then configure to run the simple Python script below.

Use the shortcut mapper to assign a key combination to the plugin command.

import uuid
import sys

# make a random UUID

Rake rules to generate multiple targets from single source/dependency

Do you need a rule for it?
You may try to create multiple file tasks for it:

n = 1..6   #Your n-Array

n.each do |i|
targetfile = 'file_c%i.dst' % i #Define the file to be created
desc 'Create %s based n %s' % [ targetfile, 'file_c.src']
file targetfile => 'file_c.src' do |task| #Define task to create targetfile
puts "cmd1 -o #{} -i #{task.source}" #Command to create targetfile

In my tests I had no problem to combine it with the already defined rule.

Below my complete testcode:

require 'rake'
src_files = Rake::FileList["*.src"]
dst_files = src_files.ext 'dst'

task :default => dst_files

def build_dst(dst, src)
puts "cmd -o #{dst} -i #{src}" #Command to create targetfile,'w'){|f|} #Dummy to simulate generation

rule '.dst' => '.src' do |task|
build_dst, task.source

N = 1..6 #array of numbers.

N.each do |i|
targetfile = 'file_c%i.dst' % i #Define the file to be created
desc 'Create %s based n %s' % [ targetfile, 'file_c.src']
file targetfile => 'file_c.src' do |task| #Define task to create targetfile
build_dst, task.source

#Make dummy-sources.'file_c.src','w'){|f|}'x.src','w'){|f|}


You will see, the commands are exectuted as expected:

cmd -o x.dst -i x.src
cmd -o file_c3.dst -i file_c.src

One addition - out of the scope of your question:
I have some problems to see a real use case of your question.

If the command to generate file_c<n>.dst depends only on the same sourcecode, then the generated dst-files would be the same - you could just copy the result. I would expect some other differences in dependecies.

If your file_c<n>.dst depends an file_c<n>.src and file_c.src then you could use something like:

require 'rake'

rule '.dst' => '.src' do |task|
puts "cmd -o #{} -i #{task.prerequisites}" #Command to create targetfile,'w'){} #Dummy to simulate generation

#Add additional prerequsites (cold also defined generic)
file 'file_c3.dst' => 'file_c.src'

#Make dummy-sources.


I add additional prerequisites and replaced task.source by task.prerequisites.

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