Routing Error No Route Matches [Get] "/Static_Pages/Home", Tutorial

Routing Error No route matches [GET] /static_pages/home, tutorial

There is no route set for the url '/static_pages/home'

Although root points to static_pages controller with action home, it still responds to the path '/' and not '/static_pages/home'

If you add

match '/static_pages/home', :to =>'static_pages#home'

You will get the expected response for '/static_pages/home'

No route matches [GET] /static_pages/home

It looks like, from your post, that your home.html.erb template file is in the wrong place. There should be a folder called static_pages inside app/views. So inside app/views/static_pages/ is where your home.html.erb file should be. Your code says it is inside the layouts folder. Move it and it will work.

So, specifically, either create the folder static_pages (if it does not exist) or move you home.html.erb file into the app/views/static_pages/ folder.

Just and FYI, if your other views (contact, about, etc) are in the layout folder move them into static_pages too. But leave the layout file in there.

Since you are a beginner I'll explain this a little more. When you set your routes you are telling rails where to find the files. So when you write something like get '/help', to: 'static_pages#help what you telling rails is when the URL /help is viewed serve up the file help.html.erb in the static_pages folder and it knows to look inside the app/views folder by configuration. If you wanted to keep home.html.erb where it is, you could just change you routes to root 'layouts#home' and it should work, but since the view file is not a layout file that would not be the best solution. Hope this helps.

Routing Error :: No route matches [GET] /static_pages/about

Look you do not have any routes "/static_pages/about"

so you got error

 Routing Error
No route matches [GET] "/static_pages/about"

As per your routes for about page /about should be the url


It will acutally call your static_pages controller and about action of that controller

and from url helper of rails routes you get

For About:

about_path or about_url should be used

For contact

contact_path or contact_url

For help

help_path or help_url

Hartl's Tutorial - Chapter 5.3 Layout Links

Although you have a root mapping, which routes '/' requests to StaticPagesController home action, you have no mapping for the route static_pages/home. To add it:

   match 'static_pages/home',    to: 'static_pages#home'

Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 6 RSpec tests are failing, dont know why

You have defined the following routes,

users_new  GET    /users/new(.:format)                 users#new
root GET / static_pages#home
signup GET /signup(.:format) users#new
help GET /help(.:format) static_pages#help
about GET /about(.:format) static_pages#about

In static_pages_spec.rb, you are accessing routes as visit '/static_pages/home', visit '/static_pages/help' and visit '/static_pages/about' which would obviously result in No route matches error as these routes don't exist (match them against the routes listed above).

You need to make following changes in static_pages_spec.rb:

  1. Error: No route matches [GET] "/static_pages/home"


    visit '/static_pages/home'


    either visit root_path or visit '/'

  2. Error: No route matches [GET] "/static_pages/help"


    visit '/static_pages/help'


    either visit help_path or visit '/help'

  3. Error: No route matches [GET] "/static_pages/about"


    visit '/static_pages/about'


    either visit about_path or visit '/about'

You receive next 2 errors in user_pages_spec.rb file:

  1. Error: undefined method 'full_title'

    It clearly gives the clue that you are using a method named full_title which is not defined anywhere.

    it { should have_title(full_title('Sign up')) } 
    ## ^
    ## full_title method here is undefined
  2. Error: expected #has_content?("Sign up") to return true, got false

    This error simply means that the following example is failing

    it { should have_content('Sign up') }

    That means sign_up view does not have the text Sign up. Make sure that sign_up view has the text Sign up exactly, match the exact case as well.

Rails tutorial - Section 5.2 Routing/Rspec error

Have you removed the public/index.html file and visually verified that you can get to / in your browser, and that the expected template is being rendered? Your spec looks OK otherwise.

Setting up static routes in Rails

All you're missing is as key:
root 'static_pages#home'
match '/help', to: 'static_pages#help', via: 'get', as: :help
match '/about', to: 'static_pages#about', via: 'get', as: :about
match '/contact', to: 'static_pages#contact', via: 'get', as: :contact

Adding as key will make the routes named and will create required url_helpers.


However, you can do much better:
root 'static_pages#home'

scope controller: :static_pages do
get :help
get :about
get :contact

No route matches [GET] /user/1 following Michael Hartls rails tutorial

You should use "/users/1", not "/user/1".

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