What's the Difference Between the Ruby Irb Prompt Modes

What's the difference between the ruby irb prompt modes?

The answer to those questions lie in IRB.conf[:PROMPT] which is a hash whose keys are the different prompts and whose values are the configurations for each prompt. Read this to a understand a prompt's configuration.

The difference between null and xmp is that xmp displays a result indented with an arrow:

$ irb --prompt xmp -f

while null doesn't indent or display the arrow:

$ irb --prompt null -f

You should be able to answer your second question once you read the above link and understand that prompts have different modes and different configurations for them.

What does irb --simple-prompt do?

It gives you a simpler prompt (lol). No ruby version and no line number.

Example using irb --simple-prompt:

user: $ irb --simple-prompt

Example using irb:

user: $ irb
2.0.0-p353 :001 >

How do I get the irb(main):001:0 prompt instead of

$ irb --help
Usage: irb.rb [options] [programfile] [arguments]
--prompt prompt-mode
--prompt-mode prompt-mode
Switch prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are
`default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'

$ irb --prompt inf-ruby

Difference between quit and exit in irb?

It seems so.

method(:quit).owner    #=> IRB::ExtendCommandBundle
method(:exit).owner #=> IRB::ExtendCommandBundle
#=> ["/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.2.0/irb/extend-command.rb", 28]
#=> ["/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.2.0/irb/extend-command.rb", 28]
method(:exit) == method(:quit) #=> true

Copy paste from irb excluding prompt at start of line?

You can hold the ⌥ Option key and drag for a rectangular selection:

You can also customize IRB's prompt. Here's an example of the built-in --noprompt option which provides a blank prompt:

irb command line prefix remove

You can edit your ~/.irbrc file to change the prompt (command line prefix). See this answer for an example. You could put this in there to start:

IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:CUSTOM] = {:PROMPT_I => ">> "}
IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT] = true

.irbrc is a Ruby script that irb runs when it starts up that lets you configure your prompt.

Is it possible to configure the IRB prompt to change dynamically?

Here's a quick hack to get the working dir. It's sort of fragile, but it worked on ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2.

Set your prompt string to something like this:

"%N(%m):%03n:%i %~> ".tap {|s| def s.dup; gsub('%~', Dir.pwd); end }

The "%~" directive is not understood by irb itself, so I used it to do the replacement. This hack relies on the fact that irb calls dup to generate the prompt.

missing '=' in ruby irb results


irb --prompt default


irb --prompt inf-ruby --readline

or this after irb starts

conf.prompt_c="%N(%m):%03n:%i* "
conf.prompt_i="%N(%m):%03n:%i> "
conf.prompt_n="%N(%m):%03n:%i> "
conf.prompt_s="%N(%m):%03n:%i%l "

also check irb --help it has some great help use that :)

Why is the --simple-prompt command not working?

You seem to be confused about passing flags to commands vs issuing statements in a REPL.

To start irb with the --simple-prompt option enabled, pass it in like so:

$ irb --simple-prompt

Then you should be able to execute Ruby code.

>> puts "hello world!"
hello world!
=> nil

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