Ruby: Cannot Install Watir Gem on Windows

Ruby: Cannot Install Watir Gem On Windows

I would recommend you install the RubyInstaller Development Kit as documented here

Once you've installed it, the compile process of Watir dependencies (win32-api) will install successfully.

Unable to Install Watir after installing Ruby

I would recommend using Ruby 1.8.7 the most recent versions of watir are known to work with it.

Or you can use Watir-Webdriver and a recent ruby 1.9 version as described by Zeljko in his instruction. (Watir-Webdriver uses the Selenium webdriver back-end to drive the browser and thus has wider browser support including chrome, headless, newer versions of FireFox, and Opera(I'm told, not sure if anyone has tested that)

Error installing Watir on Windows 8

Do you hav the correct version of devkit? Looks like you need Ruby 2.0.0 x64 (64bits): mingw64-64-4.7.2 from

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