Error:'Incompatible Library Version' SQLite3-1.3.11 in Rails

Error : 'incompatible library version' sqlite3-1.3.11 in rails

The SQLite library is likely to be corrupted. Try reinstalling the gem by running the following from a command pronpt:

gem uninstall sqlite3

Then run:

bundle install

SqLite3 LoadError: incompatible library version

Need to use lower version of sqlite3 gem (1.3.10) instead v. 1.3.11
Before if needed uninstall all gems
and write to Gemfile:

gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3', '>= 1.3.10'

and use $ bundle install

It's helps me

cannot load such file sqlite3 - Rails Tutorial

Looks like this post solves my problem. I need to use sqlite 1.3.10 which includes support for Ruby 2.1. Sqlite 1.3.9 does not.

sqlite3 load error while start rails5 server

First try

gem uninstall sqlite3

then run

bundle install 

If that didn't work make sure you don't have a username and password and your Environment variable are ok.

Last just a word of advice try to use postgresql as it'll be more helpful in production.

Cannot load when trying to rake assets:precompile

I somehow fixed it.

I'm not exactly sure why it worked but it seems like it worked after re-installing bundler.

gem uninstall bundler

gem install bundler

cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError) on ruby on rails

Find your sqlite3 gemspec file. One example is /usr/local/share/gem/specifications/sqlite3-1.3.7.gemspec


You should adjust according with your Rubygem path and sqlite3 version.
Edit the file above and look for the following line


change it to

s.require_paths= ["lib/sqlite3_native"]

Having difficulties to add sqlite3 into gemfile

Got it working by updating gemfile.lock

Changed sqlite3 (1.4.0) to sqlite3 (1.3.13).

Don't forget to specify your gem version in gemfile.
Example: gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.13', otherwise bundle update command will return an error.

Bundler cannot continue; error parsing 'Gemfile': (unknown)

Redmine loads the config/database.yml file from the Gemfile to determine the correct gem to require to access your configured database. Now, it seems your database.yml is invalid and can't be loaded. Thus, bundler can't finish installing the required gems.

To resolve this issue, ensure that your config/database.yml is syntactically correct YAML. Check at or around line 10, column 13 in your database.yml file for errors.

Windows/Ruby/Rails install --- .cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native windows

The issue is that binary sqlite3 gem do not include pre-compiled versions for Ruby 2.1.3

This is mentioned in the sqlite3-ruby mailing list here.

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