Case-Insensitive Find_Or_Create_By_Whatever

Case-insensitive find_or_create_by_whatever

This answer is for the additional questions asked in the question comments.

You wont be able to call the default find_or_create_by_name if you override that method. But you can implement your own as shown below:

def self.find_or_create_by_name(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
options[:name] = args[0] if args[0].is_a?(String)
case_sensitive = options.delete(:case_sensitive)
conditions = case_sensitive ? ['name = ?', options[:name]] :
['UPPER(name) = ?', options[:name].upcase]
first(:conditions => conditions) || create(options)

Now you can call the overridden method as follows:

User.find_or_create_by_name("jack", :case_sensitive => true)
User.find_or_create_by_name("jack", :city=> "XXX", :zip => "1234")
User.find_or_create_by_name("jack", :zip => "1234", :case_sensitive => true)

Case-insensitive search in Rails model

You'll probably have to be more verbose here

name = "Blue Jeans"
model = Product.where('lower(name) = ?', name.downcase).first
model ||= Product.create(:name => name)

How can I search (case-insensitive) in a column using LIKE wildcard?

FROM trees
WHERE trees.`title` COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI LIKE '%elm%'

Actually, if you add COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI to your column's definition, you can just omit all these tricks: it will work automatically.


This will also rebuild any indexes on this column so that they could be used for the queries without leading '%'

How to make case-insensitive query in Postgresql?

Use LOWER function to convert the strings to lower case before comparing.

Try this:

FROM groups
WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER('Administrator')

MongoDB: Is it possible to make a case-insensitive query?

You could use a regex.

In your example that would be:

db.stuff.find( { foo: /^bar$/i } );

I must say, though, maybe you could just downcase (or upcase) the value on the way in rather than incurring the extra cost every time you find it. Obviously this wont work for people's names and such, but maybe use-cases like tags.

Case insensitive regular expression without re.compile?

Pass re.IGNORECASE to the flags param of search, match, or sub:'test', 'TeSt', re.IGNORECASE)
re.match('test', 'TeSt', re.IGNORECASE)
re.sub('test', 'xxxx', 'Testing', flags=re.IGNORECASE)

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

Assuming you want the whole regex to ignore case, you should look for the i flag. Nearly all regex engines support it:


string.match("G[a-b].*", "i")

Check the documentation for your language/platform/tool to find how the matching modes are specified.

If you want only part of the regex to be case insensitive (as my original answer presumed), then you have two options:

  1. Use the (?i) and [optionally] (?-i) mode modifiers:

  2. Put all the variations (i.e. lowercase and uppercase) in the regex - useful if mode modifiers are not supported:


One last note: if you're dealing with Unicode characters besides ASCII, check whether or not your regex engine properly supports them.

How to do case insensitive string comparison?

The simplest way to do it (if you're not worried about special Unicode characters) is to call toUpperCase:

var areEqual = string1.toUpperCase() === string2.toUpperCase();

How do I do a case-insensitive string comparison?

Assuming ASCII strings:

string1 = 'Hello'
string2 = 'hello'

if string1.lower() == string2.lower():
print("The strings are the same (case insensitive)")
print("The strings are NOT the same (case insensitive)")

As of Python 3.3, casefold() is a better alternative:

string1 = 'Hello'
string2 = 'hello'

if string1.casefold() == string2.casefold():
print("The strings are the same (case insensitive)")
print("The strings are NOT the same (case insensitive)")

If you want a more comprehensive solution that handles more complex unicode comparisons, see other answers.

How to match a substring in a string, ignoring case

If you don't want to use str.lower(), you can use a regular expression:

import re

if'mandy', 'Mandy Pande', re.IGNORECASE):
# Is True

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