Activerecord User-Supplied Column Name

ActiveRecord user-supplied column name

To prevent sql injection, you should validate the column is a valid one

valid_cols = ["c1", "c2"]
valid_cols.include?(column) or raise "Bad query"

Then you can just use the query interface as before

Model.where("#{column} >= ?", min)

Rails - Cannot write unknown attribute for single-sided reference

The model that has the "other_model_id" column has to declare a "belongs_to" relationship, not a "has_one" relationship. Change your code to belongs_to :subject

Check the rails guides

EDIT: FYIO, you don't need those @subject = Subject.find(params[:product][:subject_id] and @product.subject = @subject lines, the new already handles that if you permit the :subject_id param on product_params

What is causing this ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error?

Rails 2.3.3 and lower

From the ActiveRecord CHANGELOG(v1.12.0, October 16th, 2005):

Introduce read-only records. If you call object.readonly! then it will
mark the object as read-only and raise
ReadOnlyRecord if you call object.readonly? reports
whether the object is read-only.
Passing :readonly => true to any
finder method will mark returned
records as read-only. The :joins
option now implies :readonly, so if
you use this option, saving the same
record will now fail.
Use find_by_sql
to work around.

Using find_by_sql is not really an alternative as it returns raw row/column data, not ActiveRecords. You have two options:

  1. Force the instance variable @readonly to false in the record (hack)
  2. Use :include => :card instead of :join => :card

Rails 2.3.4 and above

Most of the above no longer holds true, after September 10 2012:

  • using Record.find_by_sql is a viable option
  • :readonly => true is automatically inferred only if :joins was specified without an explicit :select nor an explicit (or finder-scope-inherited) :readonly option (see the implementation of set_readonly_option! in active_record/base.rb for Rails 2.3.4, or the implementation of to_a in active_record/relation.rb and of custom_join_sql in active_record/relation/query_methods.rb for Rails 3.0.0)
  • however, :readonly => true is always automatically inferred in has_and_belongs_to_many if the join table has more than the two foreign keys columns and :joins was specified without an explicit :select (i.e. user-supplied :readonly values are ignored -- see finding_with_ambiguous_select? in active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb.)
  • in conclusion, unless dealing with a special join table and has_and_belongs_to_many, then @aaronrustad's answer applies just fine in Rails 2.3.4 and 3.0.0.
  • do not use :includes if you want to achieve an INNER JOIN (:includes implies a LEFT OUTER JOIN, which is less selective and less efficient than INNER JOIN.)

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