Haml-Rails on Rails 4.0

haml-rails on rails 4.0?

I'm using haml-rails (0.4) in a rails 4 project and everything is working

Template not found with HAML on Rails 4

While Rails is generally pretty good about picking up on changes made to your application when in the development mode, any modifications to files outside of app/ and config/routes.rb do require a restart.

If you're using the rails server method, stop and start that. If using a system like Pow then touch tmp/restart.txt.

Alterations to Gemfile require an explicit restart as this might change something dramatic like the version of Rails used.

Rails 4.0.2 haml version of form_for drive me crazy

I found your problem, one was related to indentation(if-block) and other was an extra comma(submit button).

%h1{:class => ["page-header"]} New Ticket
= form_for(@ticket, :url => { :action => "create" }) do |f|
= if @ticket.errors.any?
%h2 #{pluralize(@ticket.errors.count, "error")} + " prohibited this post from being saved:" ### code indentation done as it belongs to if block
= @ticket.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li = msg
= f.label :subject
= f.text_field :subject
= f.label :body
= f.text_area :body
= f.submit :class => "btn btn-primary" ### Removed comma

= link_to 'Back', tickets_path

`undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass` in Rails 4.0.1 and HAML

Looks like it's related to the version of protected_attributes gem interacting unfavorably with rails 4.0.1. Try upgrading to protected_attributes 1.0.5.


Railscasts196, Rails 4, simple_form, JS, haml

Actually, nowadays there's a better way, using the cocoon gem.

It's very simple and I've had great success using it ;) hope you do too!

Capybara::Poltergeist::MouseEventFailed after Haml update (4.0.7 = 5.0.2) [RAILS]


The solution was to put the data attributes value in an interpolated string like this:

%p.dialog{'data-attribute' => "#{t('you_are_on_a_device', type: '<a href="http://mywebsite.nl/type">small</a>').html_safe}", hidden: true}

and in my config/initializers/haml.rb

Haml::Template.options[:escape_html] = false

It was because of the html escaping that has become standard in HAML 5.0.0, where it wasn't in HAML 4.0.7

Haml / Rails 4: Conditions - repeating code inside

You could do something like the following:

- if current_user.is_seeking_job && current_user.is_seeking_contract
- sort_order = "sort < ?"
- sort_param = 2
- else
- sort_order = "sort > ?"
- sort_param = 1
- @jobsforyou.where.not(user_id: current_user, is_finished: true, is_active: false).where(sort_order, sort_param).limit(10).each do |job|

However, this solution is a violation of the separation of concerns principle - your view should (ideally) only be displaying data, not querying the database. I'd suggest moving the queries and associated logic somewhere more appropriate, like model methods or scopes.

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