How to Execute 2 or More Commands in the Same Ssh Session

How can i execute 2 or more commands in the same ssh session?

see if there's something analogous to the file(utils?) cd block syntax, otherwise just run the command in the same subshell, e.g. ssh.exec "cd /var/example/engines/; pwd" ?

Run Multiple Commands on Same SSH Session in Bash?

If the ssh to A does not consume its standard input, you can easily make it wait for input. Perhaps something like this.

ssh B 'sleep 5; do-thing-2; echo done.' | ssh A 'do-thing-1; read done; do-thing3'

The arbitrary sleep to allow do-thing-1 to happen first is obviously a wart and a potential race condition.

A somewhat simpler and more robust solution is to use the ControlMaster feature to create a reusable ssh session instead.

ssh -M -S "$cm" -N A &
ssh -S "$cm" A do-thing-1
ssh B do-thing-2
ssh -S "$cm" A do-thing-3
kill "$session"
wait "$session"

See for more.

What is the cleanest way to ssh and run multiple commands in Bash?

How about a Bash Here Document:

ssh otherhost << EOF
ls some_folder;
./ 'some params'
./some_other_action 'other params'

To avoid the problems mentioned by @Globalz in the comments, you may be able to (depending what you're doing on the remote site) get away with replacing the first line with

ssh otherhost /bin/bash << EOF

Note that you can do variable substitution in the Here document, but you may have to deal with quoting issues. For instance, if you quote the "limit string" (ie. EOF in the above), then you can't do variable substitutions. But without quoting the limit string, variables are substituted. For example, if you have defined $NAME above in your shell script, you could do

ssh otherhost /bin/bash << EOF
touch "/tmp/${NAME}"

and it would create a file on the destination otherhost with the name of whatever you'd assigned to $NAME. Other rules about shell script quoting also apply, but are too complicated to go into here.

Running multiple commands in one SSH session

Thanks to @JimB I am now doing this instead:

// Create a single command that is semicolon seperated
commands := []string{
"docker login",
"docker ps",
command := strings.Join(commands, "; ")

And then running it the same as before:

if err := session.Run(command); err != nil {
panic("Failed to run command: " + command + "\nBecause: " + err.Error())

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