Item's Page and Will_Paginate

Item's page and will_paginate

page = (number_of_records_before_RECORD / number_of_records_per_page) + 1

In other words. If your photo has ID 40 and there are 25 records before (assuming some records have been deleted), with 20 records per page:

page = (25 / 20) + 1 = 2

You can count the number of records before the selected record using Model.count(:conditions => ['id < ?',], :order => 'id').
The right query depends on which sorting filter you apply to that table when listing all objects.

will_paginate on array only displays first page of items

I think you missing page: params[:page] in index controller, this is how will_paginate know what page you currently now

def index
@items =
API.items.all! do |i|
@items << i
@paginated_items = @items.paginate(page:params[:page],per_page:25)

Correct number for each item in will_paginate list?

A will_paginate Collection is not just a simple Array or ActiveRecord::Relation. Instead it has some additional methods defined, for example: current_page, per_page, offset, total_entries or total_pages.

You can use Collection#offset to calculate your current index:

<% @collection.each_with_index do |item, index| %>
<%= @collection.offset + index + 1 %>
<% end %>

What can be simplified by initializing Enumerator#with_index with the first index (note the . between each and with_index:

<% @collection.each.with_index(@collection.offset + 1) do |item, index| %>
<%= index %>
<% end %>

show items per page with will paginate

Okay, so basically: XHR request -> controller -> action -> rendered view as return value.

You need to call your controller. This is what you do already.

Second, the data retrieved by the controller should be used to update the current page. For this, I would extend your respond_to with:

respond_to do |format|

Means that JS requests will render an index.js.{erb,rjs,...} handler. In this, you write your code to update the view. The rendered output is what you are going to receive as return value in your javascript.

Last, you need to evaluate the response.

Hint: You are calling your index action via javascript. You should do this with GET and not with POST.

will_paginate is there a way to set per_page to 'all'

Item.paginate_by_sql(sql, :page => params[:page], :per_page => Item.count)

Getting the current item number or index when using will_paginate in rails app

It feels a bit hacky, but I've come up with a working solution. I create an instance variable in the view:

@count = @movies.total_entries - @movies.offset

Then when rendering each movie I output @count and decrement it.

As per my previous example with 51 items on two pages: total_entries == 51, and offset == 0 (page 1) or 50 (page 2).

Rails 3 and will_paginate - elegant way, how to get total_pages

if you have a posts model,

 <%= @posts.total_pages %>

will give you the pages total, i.e you need to reference the model you're calling will_paginate on

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