Ruby Minitest Assert_Output Syntax

Ruby minitest assert_output syntax

In order for your test method to run, the method name needs to start with test_. Also, the way assert_output works is that the block will write to stdout/stderr, and the arguments will be checked if they match stdout/stderr. The easiest way to check this IMO is to pass in a regexp. So this is how I would write that test:

class TestTestClass < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase 
def setup
@test =

def test_output_produces_output
assert_output(/hey/) { @test.output}

MiniTest::Assertions returning false for test that should be returning true

MiniTest::Assertions assert method call uses the syntax assert(test, msg = nil) The reason your test is returning true is that is the message you chose to use. The assert_equal method takes 2 values to compare. Also, instead of making the private method public, you can use the .send method like this:

assert @purchase.send(:credit_card,@card_info).valid?

Also, change the setup to a function definition:

def setup
# setup logic

To make the output more verbose (capture the ActiveMerchant errors), try the following:

test "purchase" do
credit_card = @purchase.send(:credit_card, @card_info)
assert credit_card.valid?, "valid credit card"
puts credit_card.errors unless credit_card.errors.empty?

Reading rubyforge API I think the credit card type should be set to bogus in testing.

Customize minitest messages

Minitest has a verbose option that will show the test name and execution time for each test that's run. How you pass the -v flag to Minitest will vary depending on how you're running your tests. See for a sample of verbose output.

Another option would be using minitest-reporters with the SpecReporter by adding it to your Gemfile and putting this in your test helper:

require "minitest/reporters"

See for more info.

Why doesn't Minitest's assert_raises work as expected in this case?

This isn't a problem with assert_raises, that continues to work just fine. The issue you are having is that the exception you are raising within your Rails app is getting handled by your Rails app and not propagating out to your test. Calling get '/missing' is raising the AbstractController::ActionNotFound error, but then your app handles the error and returns an appropriate response (404 or 500) to the client (your test).

Okay, so how would you go about testing that your controller really did raise the error you are expecting? Normally you would just use an ActionController::TestCase test to test your controllers. But, when you call an action on a controller that doesn't in ActionController::TestCase you get a different error. So the following:

require "test_helper"

class TestControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

def test_missing
assert_raises AbstractController::ActionNotFound do
get :missing

Produces the following output:

  1) Failure:
TestControllerTest#test_missing [test/controllers/test_controller_test.rb:6]:
[AbstractController::ActionNotFound] exception expected, not
Class: <ActionController::UrlGenerationError>
Message: <"No route matches {:action=>\"missing\", :controller=>\"test\"}">
test/controllers/test_controller_test.rb:7:in `block in test_missing'
test/controllers/test_controller_test.rb:6:in `test_missing'

The reason is because ActionController::TestCase is aware of the routes and won't allow calling an action that is not in the routes. But that is exactly what you are trying to test. And, I assume why you aren't using ActionController::TestCase.

At this point I wonder if you aren't testing something you shouldn't. Perhaps you should allow Rails to do its job and trust that it behaves correctly. But hey, we've come this far, why not just go all the way and test what Rails tests anyway. Instead of making the call through the full Rails app, let's try calling the TestController directly. If we create a new instance of the controller we can ask it to handle an action even if that action is not defined on the controller. But to do this we will have to dive deep into how ActionController works and make use of the AbstractController#process method:

require "test_helper"

class TestControllerTest < Minitest::Test
def test_missing
assert_raises AbstractController::ActionNotFound do :missing

Now we are asking the controller to process an action that doesn't exist and testing that the controller behaves as expected. Yay?

Rails ActiveSupport: How to assert that an error is raised?

So unit testing isn't really in activesupport. Ruby comes with a typical xunit framework in the standard libs (Test::Unit in ruby 1.8.x, MiniTest in ruby 1.9), and the stuff in activesupport just adds some stuff to it.

If you are using Test::Unit/MiniTest

assert_raise(Exception) { whatever.merge }

if you are using rspec (unfortunately poorly documented, but way more popular)

lambda { whatever.merge }.should raise_error

If you want to check the raised Exception:

exception = assert_raises(Exception) { whatever.merge }
assert_equal( "message", exception.message )

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