Rmagick Error After Installing Os X Mavericks

RMagick error after installing OS X Mavericks

Install X Code 5, then do this:

brew install libtool --universal
brew link libtool

Error installing Rmagick on Mac OS X

I would strongly recommend you try homebrew, which is a great replacement for macports:

  • http://brew.sh
  • http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew

Once you get homebrew installed, you should be able to install imagemagick and rmagick very easily:

brew install imagemagick     # will take a while!
gem install rmagick

More info here:


and here:


UPDATE: (thanks to JJD and this answer)

Try to install without openpmp if you are having trouble with a chiliproject install:

brew install imagemagick --disable-openmp

UPDATE X2: (thanks to Ramon Araujo's comment)

If you have previously installed imagemagick with homebrew, you will have to unlink it before you install again:

brew unlink imagemagick

Rmagick errors when running Rails S after upgrading to OSX Mavericks 10.9

I had trouble with this as well on OS 10.9. I tried many things and this is what worked for me (after installing Xcode 5):

brew install libtool --universal
brew link libtool

Quick research just found the following with other users who also had success:

Stack Overflow: rmagick-error-after-installing-os-x-mavericks

TheKUnit Blog: RMagick errors running rake tasks os x maverick

Edit: Another possibility is that you have a different version of RMagick than the gem is looking for (possibly from the reinstall). Your log shows your gem is looking for /usr/local/lib/libMagickCore.5.dylib which I am guessing it cannot find. Do

 ls /usr/local/lib/

and see if you can find that file. If not, a

gem pristine rmagick

may help if you haven't already tried it. In my case I have Core 6 in that folder and not 5.

Rmagick with rails 2.3.8 on OSX 10.9 - Mavericks

Not sure if you have image installed or not. From the error it looks like config is missing. I have used this http://blog.paulopoiati.com/2013/01/28/installing-rmagick-in-mac-os-x-mountain-lion-with-homebrew/ for my installation and it works fine for me.

Rails and OS X: How to install rmagick?

rmagick has a problem working with imagemagick (>= 6.8.0-10) from homebrew.

You can either

update rmagick gem by

    bundle update rmagick

or manually symbol link some dylib to make it work:

    $ cd "`Magick-config --prefix`lib"
$ ln -s libMagick++-Q16.7.dylib libMagick++.dylib
$ ln -s libMagickCore-Q16.7.dylib libMagickCore.dylib
$ ln -s libMagickWand-Q16.7.dylib libMagickWand.dylib

After that gem install rmagick should work.

Check the discussion about this in homebrew/issues/16625

Thanks @faraz for the nice one-liner command:

cd "`Magick-config --prefix`/lib"; ln -s libMagick++-Q8.7.dylib libMagick++.dylib; ln -s libMagickCore-Q8.7.dylib libMagickCore.dylib; ln -s libMagickWand-Q8.7.dylib libMagickWand.dylib

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