Net-Ssh and Remote Environment

net-ssh and remote environment

have you tried something like:

ssh.exec!("source /home/you/.zshrc")
puts ssh.exec!("echo $PATH")


Losing environment variable set via ssh execute. Ruby & net-ssh

Each exec creates an environment on it's own, environmont variables are lost.
Like you do with your && (execute next command if first succeeds) or with ; (execute anyway) you can chain commands.

You can also send a block like this to do multiple actions

Net::SSH.start("host", "user") do |ssh|
ssh.exec! "cp /some/file /another/location"
hostname = ssh.exec!("hostname")
ssh.open_channel do |ch|
ch.exec "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' ls" do |ch, success|
abort "could not execute sudo ls" unless success

ch.on_data do |ch, data|
print data
if data =~ /sudo password: /


Or use the gem net-ssh-session.

Remote execution of SSH command hangs in ruby using Net::SSH for a particular command

I figured out how to fix it.

I added > /dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command, and it worked.

cockroach start --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25 --advertise-addr=%net_remote_ip%:%crdb_database_port% --certs-dir=%crdb_database_certs_path%/certs --store=%name% --listen-addr=%eth0_ip%:%crdb_database_port% --http-addr=%eth0_ip%:%crdb_dashboard_port% --join=%net_remote_ip%:%crdb_database_port% > /dev/null 2>&1;

Net::SSH::Multi using the session.exec, how do you get the output straight away? Ruby

Adding session.loop after session.exec allows the program to wait for the output.

Such as:

session.exec(command)do |ch, stream, data|
puts "[#{ch[:host]} : #{stream}] #{data}"

# Or session.wait also does the same job.

Cant run Ruby script via gem ssh-net

The problem is in your ssh.exec! call. Net::SSH does not use a login shell to run your commands. A login shell is required for Bash to execute .bash_profile.

Since your rbenv setup is in .bash_profile, your exec! call will be missing your full Ruby environment, and therefore running bundle later in you restart script will fail.

The solution should be to manually execute .bash_profile, so that rbenv gets loaded:

output = ssh.exec!("source ~/.bash_profile; of commands...")

More information and other proposals here:

net-ssh and remote environment

How to access commands in bin folder through ruby net-ssh?

net-ssh and remote environment

you need to source .bashrc/.zshrc/ etc

ssh.exec!("source ~/.zshrc; /usr/bin/env ruby -v")

Using Net::SSH Ruby library to remote command execution that requires sudo su - another user

This is a bit of a sysadmin-y answer, but I think you are authenticating twice: once to log in as "master" (using master's keypair) and then a second time "master" sudo-ing the su to "appmanager" but using a password (hence the "lecture" message). But I think you're not answering the password challenge the second time. There are a few ways to get around this that come to mind:

1) Login as appmanager directly using that account's keypair. If you're worried about the security of the appmanager account, you can restrict ssh remote commands among other things.

2) As master, call a binary (not a script!) that is setuid as "appmanager" that simply calls the script. An example.

3) Set the appropriate group that master is in to NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers.

How to load environment variables in a remote AIX machine through ssh while running script from Jenkin pipeline?

This is solved with below changes.

Step 1: Edit ~/.ssh/environment. Add variable PERL5LIB="/path of the module/"

Step 2: Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Change variable PermitUserEnvironment from no to yes. Uncomment it if commented. This will enable access of environment variables to SSH.

Step 3: Restart SSHD service. (This is imp. I had tried step 1 and 2 before also but not restarted the service so solution was not working)

We can create a script and run it before executing automation test from pipeline.

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