Generating a Race Condition with Mri

Generating a race condition with MRI

Your example does (almost instantly) work in 1.8.7.

The following variation does the trick for 1.9.3+:

def inc
a = $x + 1
# Just one microsecond
sleep 0.000001
$x = a

COUNT = 50

loop do
$x = 1 { { COUNT.times { inc } } }.each(&:join)
break puts "woo hoo!" if $x != THREADS * COUNT + 1
puts "No problem this time."

puts $x

The sleep command is a strong hint to the interpreter that it can schedule another thread, so this is not a huge surprise.

Note if you replace the sleep with something that takes just as long or longer, e.g. b = a; 500.times { b *= 100 }, then there is no race condition detected in the above code. But take it further with b = a; 2500.times { b *= 100 }, or increase COUNT from 50 to 500, and the race condition is more reliably triggered.

The thread scheduling in Ruby 1.9.3 onwards (of course including 2.0.0) appears to be assigning CPU time in larger chunks than in 1.8.7. Opportunities to switch threads can be low in simple code, unless some kind of I/O waiting is involved.

It is even possible that the threads in the OP, each of which is performing just a few thousand calculations, are in essence occurring in series - although increasing the COUNT global to avoid this still does not trigger additional race conditions.

Generally MRI Ruby does not switch context between threads during atomic processes (e.g. during a Fixnum multiply or division) that occur within its C implementation. This means that the only opportunities for a thread context switch where all methods are calls to Ruby internals without I/O waiting, are "in-between" each line of code. In the original example, there are only 4 such fleeting opportunities, and it seems that in the scheme of things that this is not very much at all for MRI 1.9.3+ (in fact, see update below, these opportunities probably have been removed by Ruby)

When I/O waits or sleep are involved, it actually gets more complex, as Ruby MRI (1.9+) will allow a little bit of true parallel processing on multi-core CPUs. Although this is not the direct cause of race conditions with threads, it is more likely to result in them, as Ruby will usually make a thread context switch at the same time to take advantage of the parallelism.

Whilst I was researching this rough answer, I found an interesting link: Nobody understands the GIL (part 2 linked, as more relevant to this question)

Update: I suspect that the interpretter is optimising away some potential thread-switching points
in the Ruby source. Starting with my sleep version of the code, and setting:

COUNT   = 500000

the following variation of inc does not seem to have a race condition affecting $x:

def inc
a = $x + 1
b = 0
b += 1
$x = a

However, these minor changes both trigger a race condition:

def inc
a = $x + 1
b = 0
b = b.send( :+, 1 )
$x = a

def inc
a = $x + 1
b = 0
b += '1'.to_i
$x = a

My interpretation is that the Ruby parser has optimised b += 1 to remove some of the
overhead of method despatch. One of the optimised-away steps is likely to include
the check for a possible switch to a waiting thread.

If that is the case, then the code in the question may never have the opportunity to switch threads within the inc method, because all the operations inside it can be optimised
in the same way.

Why no race condition in Ruby

This is because MRI Ruby threads are not really parallel due to GIL (see here), at CPU level they are executed one at a time.

Each command in a thread is executed one at a time hence @count in each thread is always updated correctly.

Race condition can be simulated by adding another variable like:

class Counter
attr_accessor :count, :tmp

def initialize
@count = 0
@tmp = 0

def increment
@count += 1


c =

t1 = Thread.start { 1000000.times { c.increment; c.tmp += 1 if c.count.even?; } }
t2 = Thread.start { 1000000.times { c.increment; c.tmp += 1 if c.count.even?; } }


p c.count #200_0000
p c.tmp # not 100_000, different every time

A nice example of race condition is given here, copied below for completeness

class Sheep
def initialize
@shorn = false

def shorn?

def shear!
puts "shearing..."
@shorn = true

sheep = do do
unless sheep.shorn?

Here's the result I see from running this on MRI 2.0 several times.

$ ruby check_then_set.rb => shearing...

$ ruby check_then_set.rb => shearing... shearing...

$ ruby check_then_set.rb => shearing...

Sometimes the same sheep is being shorn twice!

Prevent race condition when generating unique code

How can I protect against race conditions which could lead to non-unique codes being returned?

Don't use the database as a synchronization point. Apart from synchronization issues, your code is susceptible to slowdown as the number of available codes shrinks. There is no guarantee your loop would terminate.

A far better approach to this would be to have a service which pre-generates a batch of unique identifiers and hands these out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Given that you are only using 3 characters for this code, you can only store ~= 17 000 records - you could generate the entire list of permutations of three character codes up front, and remove entries from this list as you allocate them.

Thread safe counter inside a method

Assuming the variable counter is scoped to that method only, and that there is no funny shenanigans going on with Singleton or any other weird stuff, then yes, that method should be thread safe in its current form.

If, however, counter is an instance variable and you are using an accessor to set it, then that method is not thread safe. You may never encounter the race condition if you're using every MyClass once only, but all it takes is one well-meaning refactoring to reuse MyClass and suddenly you've got a race condition there.

Basically - if your method is self-contained, uses variables scoped to it only, and references no external shared data then it is thread safe by default.

As soon as you use something that could be accessed at the same time by another thread, you have a potential race condition in the making and you should start thinking about synchronising access to the shared resources.

Pure-Ruby concurrent Hash

Okay, now that you specified the actually meaning of 'threadsafe', here are two potential implementations. The following code will run forever in MRI and JRuby. The lockless implementation follows an eventual consistency model where each thread uses it's own view of the hash if the master is in flux. There is a little trickery required to make sure storing all the information in the thread doesn't leak memory, but that is handled and tested ― process size does not grow running this code. Both implementations would need more work to be 'complete', meaning delete, update, etc. would need some thinking, but either of the two concepts below will meet your requirements.

It's very important for people reading this thread to realize the whole issue is exclusive to JRuby ― in MRI the built-in Hash is sufficient.

module Cash
def*args, &block)
env = ENV['CASH_IMPL']
impl = env ? Cash.const_get(env) : LocklessImpl
klass = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? impl : ::Hash*args)

class LocklessImpl
def initialize
@hash = {}

def thread_hash
thread = Thread.current
thread[:cash] ||= {}
hash = thread[:cash][thread_key]
if hash
hash = thread[:cash][thread_key] = {}
ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self){ thread[:cash].delete(thread_key) }

def thread_key
[Thread.current.object_id, object_id]

def []=(key, val)
time =
tuple = [time, val]
@hash[key] = tuple
thread_hash[key] = tuple

def [](key)
# check the master value
val = @hash[key]

# someone else is either writing the key or it has never been set. we
# need to invalidate our own copy in either case
if val.nil?
thread_val = thread_hash.delete(key)
return(thread_val ? thread_val.last : nil)

# check our own thread local value
thread_val = thread_hash[key]

# in this case someone else has written a value that we have never seen so
# simply return it
if thread_val.nil?

# in this case there is a master *and* a thread local value, if the master
# is newer juke our own cached copy
if val.first > thread_val.first
return val.last
return thread_val.last

class LockingImpl < ::Hash
require 'sync'

def initialize(*args, &block)
extend Sync_m

def sync(*args, &block)
sync_synchronize(*args, &block)

def [](key)
sync(:SH){ super }

def []=(key, val)
sync(:EX){ super }

if $0 == __FILE__
iteration = 0

loop do
n = 42
hash =

threads = { do
Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true
n.times do |key|
hash[key] = key
raise "#{ key }=nil" if hash[key].nil?
}{|thread| thread.join}

puts "THREADSAFE: #{ iteration += 1 }"

How to handle a Thread Issue in ZeroMQ + Ruby?

No one ought risk the application robustness by putting it on thin ice

Forgive this story to be a rather long read, but authors life-long experience shows that reasons why are far more important than any few SLOCs of ( potentially doubtful or mystically-looking or root-cause-ignorant ) attempts to experimentally find how

Initial note

While ZeroMQ has for several decades been promoted as Zero-Sharing ( Zero-Blocking, ( almost )-Zero-Latency and a few more design-maxims. The best place to read about pros & cons are Pieter HINTJENS' books, not just the fabulous "Code Connected, Volume 1", but also the advanced design & engineering in real social-domain ones ) philosophy, the very recent API documentation has introduced and advertises some IMHO features with relaxed relation to these corner-stone principles for distributed-computing, that do not so sharp whistle on Zero-Sharing so loud. This said, I still remain a Zero-Sharing guy, so kindly view the rest of this post in this light.

Answer 1:
No, sir. -- or better -- Yes and No, sir.

ZeroMQ does not ask one to use Mutex/Semaphore barriers. This is something contradicting the ZeroMQ design maxims.

Yes, recent API changes started to mention that ( under some additional conditions ) one may start using shared-sockets ... with ( many ) additional measures ... so the implication was reversed. If one "wants", the one also takes all the additional steps and measures ( and pays all the initally hidden design & implementation costs for "allowing" shared toys to ( hopefully ) survive the principal ( un-necessary ) battle with the rest of the uncontrollable distributed-system environment -- thus suddenly also bearing a risk of failing ( which was for many wise reasons not the case in the inital ZeroMQ Zero-sharing evangelisation ) -- so, user decides on which path to go. That is fair. ).

Sound & robust designs IMHO still had better develop as per initial ZeroMQ API & evangelism, where Zero-sharing was a principle.

Answer 2:
There is by-design always a principal uncertainty about ZeroMQ data-flow ordering, one of ZeroMQ design-maxims keeps designers not to rely on unsupported assumptions on message ordering and many others ( exceptions apply ). There is just a certainty that any message dispatched into the ZeroMQ infrastructure is either delivered as a complete-message, or not delivered at all. So one can be sure just about the fact, that no fragmented wrecks ever appear on delivery. For furhter details, read below.

ThreadId does not prove anything ( unless inproc transport-class used )

Given the internal design of ZeroMQ data-pumping engines, the instantiation of a

zmq.Context( number_of_IO_threads ) decides on how many threads get spawned for handling the future data-flows. This could be anywhere { 0, 1: default, 2, .. } up to almost depleting the kernel-fixed max-number-of-threads. The value of 0 gives a reasonable choice not to waste resources in case, where inproc:// transport-class is actually a direct-memory region mapped handling of data-flow ( that actually never flow ang get nailed down directly into the landing-pad of the receiving socket-abstraction :o) ) and no thread is ever needed for such job.

Next to this, the <aSocket>.setsockopt( zmq.AFFINITY, <anIoThreadEnumID#> ) permits to fine-tune the data-related IO-"hydraulics", so as to prioritise, load-balance, performance-tweak the thread-loads onto the enumerated pool of zmq.Context()-instance's IO-threads and gain from better and best settings in the above listed design & data-flow operations aspects.

The cornerstone-element is the Context()s' instance,
not a Socket()'s one

Once a Context()'s instance got instantiated and configured ( ref. above why and how ), it is ( almost ) free-to-be-shared ( if design cannot resist from sharing or has a need to avoid a setup of a fully fledged distributed-computing infrastructure ).

In other words, the brain is always inside the zmq.Context()'s instance - all the socket-related dFSA-engines are setup / configured / operated there ( yes, even though the syntax is <aSocket>.setsockopt(...) the effect of such is implemented inside The Brain -- in the respective zmq.Context - not in some wire-from-A-to-B.

Better never share <aSocket> ( even if API-4.2.2+ promises you could )

So far, one might have seen a lot of code-snippets, where ZeroMQ Context and it's sockets get instantiated and disposed off in a snap, serving just a few SLOC-s in a row, but -- this does not mean, that such practice is wise or adjusted by any other need than a that very academic example ( that was made in just a need to get printed in as few SLOCs as possible, because of the book publisher's policies ).

Even in such cases a fair warning about indeed immense costs of zmq.Context infrastructure setup / tear-down ought be present, thus to avoid any generalisation, the less any copy/paste replicas of such the code, that was used short-handedly just for such illustrative purposes.

Just imagine the realistic setups needed to take place for any single Context instance -- to get ready a pool of respective dFSA-engines, maintaining all their respective configuration setups plus all the socket-end-point pools related transport-class specific hardware + external O/S-services handlers, round-robin event-scanners, buffer-memory-pools allocations + their dynamic-allocators etc, etc. This all takes both time and O/S resources, so handle these ( natural ) costs wisely and with care for adjusted overheads, if performance is not to suffer.

If still in doubt why to mention this, just imagine if anybody would insist of tearing down all the LAN-cables right after a packet was sent and having a need to wait until a new cabling gets installed right before a need to sent the next packet appears. Hope this "reasonable-instantiation" view could be now better percepted and an argument to share ( if at all ) a zmq.Context()-instance(s), without any further fights for trying to share ZeroMQ socket-instances ( even if newly becoming ( almost ) thread-safe per-se ).

The ZeroMQ philosophy is robust if taken as an advanced design evangelism for high performance distributed-computing infrastructures. Tweaking just one ( minor ) aspect typically does not adjust all the efforts and costs as on the global view on how to design safe and performant systems, the result would not move a single bit better
( and even the absolutely-share-able risk-free ( if that were ever possible ) socket-instances will not change this, whereas all the benefits for sound-design, clean-code and reasonably achievable test-ability & debugging will get lost ) if just this one detail gets changed -- So, rather pull another wire from an existing brain to such a new thread, or equip a new thread with it's own brain, that will locally handle it's resources and allow it to connect own wires back to all other brains -- as necessary to communicate to -- in the distributed-system ).

If still in doubts, try to imagine what would happen to your national olympic hockey-team, if it were sharing just one single hockey-stick during the tournament. Or how would you like, if all neighbours in your home-town would share the same phone number to answer all the many incoming calls ( yes, with ringing all the phones and mobiles, sharing the same number, at the same time ). How well would that work?

Language bindings need not reflect all the API-features available

Here, one can raise, and in some cases being correct, that not all ZeroMQ language-bindings or all popular framework-wrappers keep all API-details exposed to user for application-level programming ( author of this post has struggled for a long time with such legacy conflicts, that remained unresolvable right to this reason and had to scratch his head a lot to find any feasible way to get around this fact - so it is ( almost ) always doable )


It is fair to note, that recent versions of ZeroMQ API 4.2.2+ started to creep the inital evangelisated principles.

Nevertheless, worth to remember the anxient memento mori

( emphases added, capitalisation not )

Thread safety

ØMQ has both thread safe socket type and not thread safe socket types. Applications MUST NOT use a not thread safe socket from multiple threads except after migrating a socket from one thread to another with a "full fence" memory barrier.

Following are the thread safe sockets: * ZMQ_CLIENT * ZMQ_SERVER * ZMQ_DISH * ZMQ_RADIO * ZMQ_SCATTER * ZMQ_GATHER

While this text might sound to some ears as a promising, calling barriers to service is the worst thing one can do in designing advanced distributed-computing systems, where performance is a must.

The last thing one would like to see is to block one's own code, as such agent gets into a principally uncontrollable blocking-state, where no-one can heel it from ( neither the agent per-se internally, nor anyone from outside ), in case a remote agent never delivers a-just-expected event ( which in distributed-systems can happen by so many reasons or under so many circumstances that are outside of one's control).

Building a system that is prone to hang itself ( with a broad smile of supported ( but naively employed ) syntax-possibility ) is indeed nothing happy to do, the less a serious design job.

One would also not become surprised here, that many additional ( initially not visible ) restrictions apply down the line of the new moves into using shared-{ hockey-stick | telephones } API:

ZMQ_CLIENT sockets are threadsafe. They do not accept the ZMQ_SNDMORE option on sends not ZMQ_RCVMORE on receives. This limits them to single part data. The intention is to extend the API to allow scatter/gather of multi-part data.


Celluloid::ZMQ does not report any of these new-API-( a sin of sharing almost forgiving ) socket types in its section on supported socket typed so no good news to be expected a-priori and Celluloid::ZMQ master activity seems to have faded out somewhere in 2015, so expectations ought be somewhat realistic from this corner.

This said, one interesting point might be found behind a notice:

before you go building your own distributed Celluloid systems with Celluloid::ZMQ, be sure to give DCell a look and decide if it fits your purposes.

Last but not least, combining event-loop system inside another event-loop is a painful job. Trying to integrate an embedded hard-real-time system into another hard-real-time system could even mathematically prove itself to be impossible.

Similarly, building multi-agent system using another agent-based component brings additional kinds of collisions and race-conditions, if meeting the same resources, that are harnessed ( be it knowingly or by "just" some functional side-effect ) from both ( multiple ) agent-based frameworks.

Un-salvageable mutual dead-locks are just one kind of these collisions, that introduce initally un-seen troubles down the line of un-aware design attempts. The very first step outside of a single-agent system design makes one lose many more warranties, that were un-noticed in place before going multi-agent ( distributed ), so open minds and being ready to learn many "new" concepts and concentration on many new concerns to be carefully watched for and fought to avoid are quite an important prerequisite, so as not to ( un-knowingly ) introduce patterns, that are now actually anti-patterns in distributed-systems ( multi-agent ) domain.

At least
You have been warned

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