Ruby - Naming Convention - Letter Case for Acronyms in Class/Module Names

Ruby - Naming Convention - letter case for acronyms in class/module names?

SCM::SVN looks best to me. Rails is full of classes like ERB, ORM and OMFGIMATEAPOT. And that's not to mention things like JSONSerializer. Ruby's source has a bunch of acronyms, too. The most obvious example to me is YAML. The standard as I've seen it is to upcase letters for CamelCase but generally not to downcase them (although Rails has opinions on model names).

If you have grep and the source code you can see plenty of examples with something like

grep -r 'class [A-Z]\{3,\}' <path/to/source>
# or, if you only want acronyms and nothing like YAMLColumn:
grep -rw 'class [A-Z]\{3,\}' <path/to/source>

Is it a poor practice to use all caps for class names in Ruby?

According to the Ruby style guide on , you should:

Use CamelCase for classes and modules. (Keep acronyms like HTTP, RFC,
XML uppercase.)

The ID part should be all uppercase. But I'm not sure why you want to shorten the Foo. The best solution would be to use something like FooID.

JSON is all caps because it's an abbreviation.

can make module name uppercase?

In Rails you can use inflect.acronym to setup special inflection rules for acronyms like IPAdress or HTTPClient which don't follow the normal camelcase convention.

# config/initializers/inflections.rb
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.acronym 'JOB'

But this is a pretty bad idea to begin with. job is not an acronym and its just a blatant violation of the principle of least surprise as well as the holy Ruby naming conventions.

Having a module named "Modules" is also just silly. Organize your code around meaningful names that convey its actual purpose.

What does Modules::JOB::Web do? (retorical question)

Rails custom validator name error

Your validator should be named UrlValidator (the result of camelized 'url'):

# Validator for the `url` attribute
class UrlValidator< ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# to be implemented

def Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :url, :presence => true

Link to doc

or, to stick with the name URLValidator, you can use validates_with :

class URLValidator< ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate(record)
# check on record.url, to be implemented

def Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_with URLValidator

or a more generic version (if the name of the attribute is not always url)

class URLValidator< ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate(record)
value = record.send(options[:on])
# check value, to be implemented

def Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_with URLValidator, :on => :url

Ruby capital letter variables dilemma in algorithmic code

Usually the solution is just to choose much more meaningful names. E.g.

def average(values)
total = 0
values.each { |value| total += value }

Why is F_weight helpful. F is for Force?

Fine force_weight, erm no: force_mass. After all weight is a force.

Now if you were talking about N as in the set of natural numbers, I could see some point if N wasn't a local variable.

Override Rails controller routing with capital letters in model name

I had this issue and after trying all of the above solutions; was able to fix my problem using the inflector.

In my case the issue was that TLA::ThingsController was being resolved as Tla::ThingsController

putting the following in my initializers folder fixed it


ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.acronym 'TLA'

Routing Error Uninitialized Constant Rails

I ended up just changing the names of my models and regenerating the controllers and views. I think what was throwing me off was I named my models with single letters representing words: s_n_d_subs which was causing me confusion when I generated controllers and views. So what I did was changed my model names so each part separated by an underline had at least two letters: ex: surv_dev.rb. This way when I generated controllers and routes it all worked just fine.

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