Nesting Too Deep' Error While Retrieving JSON Using Httparty

Nesting too deep' error while retrieving JSON using HTTParty

It's not that the JSON is too large. It's nested too deeply. HTTParty tries to decode the results that it gets automatically. Following your stack trace, and the HTTParty dependencies, it relies on multi_json which is using the json gem.

Inside of json there is lib/json/pure/parser.rb. The default max depth set is set in there, specifically on line 79. Something in your returned JSON is 20+ levels deep, triggering the exception.

 if !opts.key?(:max_nesting) # defaults to 19
@max_nesting = 19

Nesting error when trying to parse JSONfile

Try setting the max_nesting value:

result = JSON.parse(@response, :max_nesting => 100)

HTTParty.get with callback causes MultiJson::DecodeError.

The problem is that the response is javascript, not JSON. To fix it you can do:

response.gsub! /^\d+\((.*)\);?$/m, '\\1'

or something similar.

set json max_nesting option from within Ruby on Rails application

ActiveSupport::JSON uses the multi-json gem for encoding and decoding operations. The multi-json gem supports a variety of engines, and supported options will differ between them.

You can check which engine you are using by running

require 'multi_json'
puts MultiJson.engine

Mine was MultiJson::Adapters::Yajl but other options are possible as well. Multi-json doesn't seem to pass options to each engine in the same way, so I'd recommend using the JSON-gem directly.

If you're using the json-gem, you could just skip the ActiveSupport-chain and parse your data using JSON.parse, to which you can pass the :max_nesting option directly.

Why do Ι get this error when trying to scrape a reddit Json file?

My guess is it's the off by one error.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(0..a.length).map { |n| a[n] }
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, nil]

This is because

# => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

To be non-inclusive, you should use ..., that is:

(0...comments.length).each do |i|

Better yet, since comments is an array, you can do:

comments.each do |comment|
puts comment["data"]["author"]

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