How to Stub Out Warden/Devise with Rspec in Capybara Test

How to Stub out Warden/Devise with Rspec in Capybara test

Warden comes with built in test helpers. It allows you to login without having to use the UI in your cucumber tests. Just add the files below into your project.

# features/support/warden.rb

World Warden::Test::Helpers
After { Warden.test_reset! }

# features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb

Given /^I am logged in as a user$/ do
@current_user = User.create!(:username => 'user', :password => 'password')
login_as(@current_user, :scope => :user)

Use Wardens.test_mode! with Capybara

How to sign users in and out for testing with Rspec + Devise + FactoryGirl

Your setup is totally OK. One thing as @Greg Tarsa said is that you may want to perform such kind of tests at feature level. Another thing from me is that one should use one single spec to test one single thing e.g. it should be single (or several) expect in it block. But it's not strict rule - it's up to you to decide.

And I made some refactoring of your setup with previous tips and feature-style syntax. Maybe it would be useful:

  background do
@user = build(:user)
visit root_path

scenario "links persist in both states" do
expect(page).to have_link('Site Title', href: root_path, count: 1)

scenario "links dropped out after login" do
expect(page).not_to have_link('Login', href: new_user_session_path)
expect(page).not_to have_link('Join', href: signup_path)

scenario "links added after login" do
expect(page).to have_link('Add Item', href: new_item_path)
expect(page).to have_link('My Items', href: myitems_path)

RSpec with devise - only the first test is logged in

Use before(:each), not before(:context):

before(:each) do # <-- !!!!
# ..
login_as(@user, :scope => :user)

after(:each) do

Your problem is that the before(:context) is only running once - i.e. before the first test runs, whereas the after(:each) is running for each test.

Therefore after the first test runs, you've signed out and are not signing back in.

Rails 3 with Devise and rspec: Warden test helpers unreliable

The absolute easiest thing to do is just use the sign_in form in your before :each block. You need the test helpers in Controller specs, because it's isolated from devise. You don't have that problem in an integration test.

In RSpec Capybara tests how can you stub your own app's API?

As you mentioned this is not something you should really be doing in a feature test. Normally you would configure the data, in your test, using fixtures or factories so that your API is actually run and returns the data you are expecting.

If, however, you insist on continuing with your current plan, the best solution (since it doesn't modify your app code, and runs closest to the idea of feature tests) is a programmable proxy like puffing-billy - It's like WebMock but for requests initiated from the browser instead of internal to your app, and is designed to integrate nicely to the available Capybara drivers.

How to sign in without warden callback on rspec (request spec)

You can pass run_callbacks: false option to Warden's login_as helper:

login_as(user, run_callbacks: false)

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