Rails Runner Without Spring

Rails runner without spring

This happens because you are using the spring gem and your bin folder has been "springified".

If you take a look in the bin/rails file you will see that spring is loaded before moving on with running whatever you requested from it.

You could "un-springify" your bin folder by running

bin/spring binstub --remove --all

This would mean of course that you opt out from all performance benefits that spring provides you. This should be OK for production environments. In fact, it is recommended that you do not install spring in your production environments [1].

So I suggest that you modify your Gemfile and place spring under the development group. In production you usually do something like:

bundle install --without development test

That way spring will never make it to your production servers. See also this related issue on Github.


1 . Spring project readme file

How can I run the Ruby on Rails console in production without executing Spring?

I found it. You need to set the environment variable DISABLE_SPRING to true when executing the console, like this:

DISABLE_SPRING=true rails console

That way the Spring server will not load.

To do this automatically, you can export this variable in your .bashrc, .tcshrc, .zshrc appending this code to it:

export DISABLE_SPRING=true

and then loading it, in my case (I'm using zsh):

source ~/.zshrc




Rails task not running unless rails runner has been executed in the command prompt since the linux server machine's bootup

I found the problem. It has to do with spring, essentially the environment is set up to try to run with spring, but it doesn't automatically start the processes. Adding DISABLE_SPRING=1 seems to fix the issue.

class Admin::AccessLogManageController < Admin::AdminController
def update_project_ids
command = "DISABLE_SPRING=1 rbenv exec bundle exec rails runner --environment=#{Rails.env} Tasks::UpdateAccessLogProjectIds.execute"
pid =spawn(command, :chdir=>".")

This had the information I needed to solve the problem.
Rails runner without spring

How to fix 'spring is not part of the bundle' when trying to run rails console in production

You probably need to add Spring to the Gemfile.

Can you show your Gemfile?

If you have something like

group :development do
gem 'spring'

You can promote it above the block.

Spring stopping Rails console from running

This appears to be some strange issue with the binding_of_caller in conjunction with Spring. Removing that gem got things back working as expected. I knew I'd find the answer as soon as I asked.

There isn't currently a fix, but it does seem to have an open issue already:

How to resolve Connection refused when executing bin/rails (spring) commands?

I was able to resolve the problem by changing the users login shell to bash (before, it was set to zsh) and adding this PATH to ~/.profile: PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$GEM_HOME/wrappers:$PATH

To ensure only RVM's ruby is being used, I also forcefully removed the system ruby (1.9.3): pkg remove -f ruby

(Note: Without the PATH setting mentioned above, this now causes the expected error env: ruby: No such file or directory)

It appears a killall ruby was necessary in order for the changes to take effect.
Maybe a bin/spring stop would've been sufficient too.

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