Rubymine Error: Unable to Run Gem 'Rails'. Cannot Find 'Rails'

RubyMine error: Unable to run gem 'rails'. Cannot find 'rails'

This problem is caused by ruby and rails executable files being located in different directories, normally they should be in the same directory and RubyMine is looking for the rails script in the same location where the configured ruby interpreter binary is.

In this particular case the locations were as follows:

  • /usr/local/bin/rails
  • /usr/bin/ruby

One of the solutions is to create a symlink of the rails script in the /usr/bin directory:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/rails /usr/bin/rails

Rubymine - Rails gem not found

This may help for rubymine.

You need to add ruby sdks

In RubyMine from file -> settings -> ruby Sdk and Gems -> add sdk

You can add multiple ruby version sdks and its gems

You can edit project specific ruby setup after starting project from menu

run -> edit configuration -> ruby sdk (select specific rails environment)

$ which ruby  #to get current ruby path

RubyMine 8 doesn't detect Rails gem after installation, cannot create project

The best way to create rails projects is through the command line.

1) Go to the folder where you want to create the project

->$ cd development

2) Create rails project

->$ rails new project_name

3) Open project in Rubymine

->$ mine .

This will open Rubymine to your current project.

I work with Rubymine all the time, and it's best not to worry about the gems it can't install. If you absolutely need the gem, first make sure gem install rails works. Then attempt to install it using the little pop up about not having all of the installed gems. You may need to uninstall rails to fix the issue.

If the reason you want the gems is to use the debugger, I suggest using the byebug gem. It's a great gem for debugging and I personally prefer it over the rubymine debugger.

rubymine - Could not find gem jquery-rails

Install this gem separately:

gem install jquery-rails

or via Bundler

bundle install (in the project directory where your Gemfile is located)

RubyMine error: Unable to find associated Rails Model for ':users' associations failed

Looks like the problem is in RubyMine editor (bug)!
If you run your application let's say on ruby-2.1.5 and you change you RubyMine setting (Ruby SDK and gems) to some other version and then change back to ruby-2.1.5 version, you will get this error.

Quick fix is that you create a new project and copy paste those files there

Why doesn't RubyMine 2018.2 detect my gems?

I got things working! By signing out and back in. :facepalm:

To be specific, I think the key steps were

  1. Move the $(rbenv init -) step from my .zshrc up to my .zshenv and/or to .profile
  2. Signing out and back in.

The key insight was noticing that ~/.rbenv/shims was missing from the RubyMine Gem Environment despite showing up in both interactive and login shells (in and out of RubyMine), and realizing that while new shells were picking up my .profile changes, RubyMine itself was probably inheriting its environment variables from my session and I'd need to log out/in to to pick up the changes.

I now see ~/.rbenv/shims in my RubyMine Gem Environment, and both the Bundler Install command and my run configurations are working again.

Thank you Casper for pointing me in the right direction!

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