How to Send Message to All Client Except Sender in Rails/Actioncable

how to reply message to the sender client with actioncable?

Use ActionCable::Connection::Base#transmit method

class BoardChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
stream_from "board:#{params[:board]}"

def speak
result = do_something()
transmit(result) # send message to current connection (sender)

Send ActionCable to particular user

You should use a channel that's specific to that user. For example:


This is also documented in an example from the actioncable repo here:

What can be the reason of Unable to find subscription with identifier in Rails ActionCable?

It looks like it's related to this issue:

Some kind of race conditions when Rails reply the subscription has been created but in fact it hasn't been done yet.

As a temporary solution adding a small timeout after establishing the subscription has solved the issue.

More investigation needs to be done, though.

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