How to Import Using Fastercsv a Row with a Name Like "CiaráN"

How do I import using FasterCSV a row with a name like Ciarán?

I've read elsewhere that this can be fixed by setting KCODE. For example:

$KCODE = "U"

Stick this at the top.

James Edward Gray has also said he's added encoding support to FasterCSV but it's in trunk only.

Trying to do a CSV to multiple tables import with FasterCSV

Try something like:

associated_category = Category.find_by_name(row['Category'])
:category_id =>,
:name => row[2]

I do it that way:


FasterCSV tutorial to import data to database?

So it looks like FasterCSV is now part of the Ruby core as of Ruby 1.9, so this is what I ended up doing, to achieve the goals in my question above:

@importedfile = Import.find(params[:id])
filename = @importedfile.csv.path
CSV.foreach(filename, {:headers => true}) do |row|
@post = Post.find_or_create_by_email(
:content => row[0],
:name => row[1],
:blog_url => row[2],
:email => row[3]
flash[:notice] = "New posts were successfully processed."
redirect_to posts_path

Inside the find_or_create_by_email function is the mapping from the database columns to the columns of the CSV file: row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3].

Since it is a find_or_create function I don't need to explicitly call to save the entry to the database.

If there's a better way please update or add your own answer.

Having issues importing a CSV File using FasterCSV

Issue is resolved thanks to James Gray

  def csv_import
file = params[:file], :headers => true).each do |row|
Script.create!(:name => row[0],
:task => row[1],
:expected_results => row[2],
:require_id => row[3],
:department_id => 1,
:category_id => 1)

Headers on the second row in FasterCSV?

According to the docs, fTable = FasterCSV.table("sto.csv", :return_headers => false) should do what you want. .table implies :headers => true The docs have this info.

Best way to read CSV in Ruby. FasterCSV?

Ruby 1.9 adopted FasterCSV as its core CSV processor, so I would say it's definitely better to go for FasterCSV, even if you're still using Ruby 1.8

Ruby on Rails Moving from CSV to FasterCSV

CSV::Reader.parse('file.csv')){|row| puts row} 
CSV::Reader.parse("some, content\nanother, content"){|row| puts row}


FasterCSV.parse('file.csv')){|row| puts row}
FasterCSV.parse("some, content\nanother, content"){|row| puts row}

are equivalent.


takes filename as parameter and reads and parse data from the file however you are dumping the file content as you are passing data in the parameter

@parsed_file = FasterCSV.parse(params[:dump][:file])
@parsed_file.each do |row|
puts row
# and do some operations

should work fine.

FasterCSV: columns into an array -- rails

Thanks EmFi, with your help I was able to come up with a solution.

This takes a remote url csv file and loads it into a multi-dimensional array, based on columns.

require 'rio'
require 'fastercsv'

url = ''
people = FasterCSV.parse(rio(url).read)

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