Rounding a Float to the Nearest Integer in Ruby

Rounding a float to the nearest integer in ruby

Try Float.round.

irb(main):001:0> 5.44.round
=> 5
irb(main):002:0> 5.54.round
=> 6

Round a ruby float up or down to the nearest 0.05

Check this link out, I think it's what you need.
Ruby rounding

class Float
def round_to(x)
(self * 10**x).round.to_f / 10**x

def ceil_to(x)
(self * 10**x).ceil.to_f / 10**x

def floor_to(x)
(self * 10**x).floor.to_f / 10**x

Ruby: Rounding float in Ruby

When displaying, you can use (for example)

>> '%.2f' % 2.3465
=> "2.35"

If you want to store it rounded, you can use

>> (2.3465*100).round / 100.0
=> 2.35

Ruby round float to_int if whole number

This is the solution that ended up working the way I want it to:

class Float
alias_method(:original_to_s, :to_s) unless method_defined?(:original_to_s)

def is_whole?
self % 1 == 0

def to_s
self.is_whole? ? self.to_i.to_s : self.original_to_s

This way I can update the is_whole? logic (I seems like tadman's is the most sophisticated) if needed, and it ensures that anywhere a Float outputs to a string (eg, in a form) it appears the way I want it to (ie, no zeros on the end).

Thanks to everybody for your ideas - they really helped.

How to round a number to the nearest 9 in Ruby

Unfortunately, the round() methods for float don't have much syntactic sugar for rounding to other than the nearest integer. One can build one's own methods—

This method assumes all the numbers are positive. For readability, I advise you wrap this convoluted numerical calculation into a method whose name refers to what it's doing.

def round_to_nearest_9(num)
((num + 1) / 10).round * 10 - 1

If you don't want to assume the input number is positive:

def round_to_nearest_9(num)
if num < 0
return ((num - 1) / 10).round * 10 + 1
return ((num + 1) / 10).round * 10 - 1

Ruby round Float up or down to specific decimal significant figure

In Ruby 2.4+, the Float#float & Float#ceil methods take a ndigits argument:

1.33333333.ceil(2) -> 1.34
1.33333333.floor(3) -> 1.333

However, check out this behavior with those STD lib methods:

# In Ruby 2.4.2:
0.07.ceil(2) -> 0.08
1.1.ceil(2) -> 1.11

Not OK in my book.

For older Ruby versions or if you want to get better results than the STB lib gives, you will need to write your own methods. There are a few different blog posts out there, and I'll explain why they're not consistently correct later, but here are some methods that should work correctly every time:

require 'bigdecimal'

class Float
def ceil2(exp = 0)

def floor2(exp = 0)

Now for more on why the following are incorrect:

def ceil_to(x)
(self * 10**x).ceil.to_f / 10**x

def floor_to(x)
(self * 10**x).floor.to_f / 10**x

# These methods also produce bad results for the examples shown above
0.07.ceil(2) -> 0.08
1.1.ceil(2) -> 1.11

I won't go into the details about what is happening (you can find that
here or here), but floating point arithmetic can be messy and rounding errors do occur.

Round to closest integer or closest .5 in Ruby

Multiply by 2, round, divide by 2.

[4.12, 4.24, 4.25, 4.33, 4.53, 4.65, 4.75, 4.84].map do |x|
r = (x * 2).round / 2.0
r.to_i == r ? r.to_i : r

=> [4, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 5, 5]

A way to round Floats down

Based on answer from @kimmmo this should be a little more efficient:

class Float
def round_down n=0
s = self.to_s
l = s.index('.') + 1 + n
s.length <= l ? self : s[0,l].to_f

=> 1.999
=> 1.99
=> 1.0
=> 1.9991

or based on answer from @steenslag, probably yet more efficient as there is no string conversion:

class Float
def round_down n=0
n < 1 ? self.to_i.to_f : (self - 0.5 / 10**n).round(n)

Ruby Always Round Up

The problem is that you're currently calling ceil on 30.to_f. Here's how Ruby evaluates it:

# .ceil turns the float into an integer again
# and now it's just an integer division, which will be 2
67/30 # = 2

To solve this, you can just add parenthesis:

puts (67/30.to_f).ceil  # = 3

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