Date Range Facets with Sunspot in Ruby on Rails

Date range facets with Sunspot in Ruby on Rails

You should set up your fields as trie time fields for efficient range queries:

class Event
searchable do
time :start_time, :trie => true

Then you can use query facets to facet based on ranges: do
facet :start_time do
bod =
row :today do
with :start_time, bod..(bod + 1)
row :tomorrow do
with :start_time, (bod + 1)..(bod + 2)
# etc.

The key insight here is that you can construct facets using arbitrary scopes. Note that the facet name :start_time is just used to reference the facet in the search results, and the row labels :today and :tomorrow are similarly just used on the client side to identify the row counts corresponding to those queries; they have no meaning from Solr's standpoint, so you can call them whatever you want (using whatever data type you want -- they don't have to be symbols).

More information on query facets here:

Rails sunspot price range facet

You might have already found a way around this, one of the workarounds i could find for this was to use the range facet instead of the query facet. SO it would be something like :

facet :price, :range => 0..300, :range_interval => 50
with(:price,*params[:price].first.split("..").map(&:to_i))) if params[:price].present?

Hope it helps!

How do I set up a facet search with a many to many relationship using Sunspot?

Anything you want to filter, facet, or order on, Sunspot needs to know about. So in your model:

searchable do
text :first_name, :surname
integer :skill_ids, :multiple => true, :references => Skill

Your #search call in your controller looks right. In your view, you'd do something along these lines:

- @search.facet(:skill_ids).rows.each do |row|

row.instance will return the instance of Skill that the row's value refers to (that's what the :references option is doing in the searchable definition).

I'm not sure what you mean by "select multiple facets to search by" -- one can generate multiple facets (which give users choices for further search refinement) by calling the facet method multiple times in a search; and you can then use their facet choices with scope restrictions using the with method, which you can also call as many times as you'd like.

Speaking of wikis, most of this information is available (with more explanation) in the Sunspot wiki:


Sunspot: facets on location

The answer is simple: switch to ElasticSearch <3

Sunspot rails: include associated models when calling .results

Found the answer, it was actually quite simple: => [:user]) do...

Sunspot facet option for an array-type attribute

You should change your design so that you have a separate Location class and set the Job class to have has_and_belongs_to_many :locations because it is a many-to-many relationship.
Then you can create an integer scope in your Job class searchable block for the location:

integer :locations, :multiple => true

to allow multiple locations per job.

Now it is easy to add a facet(:locations) that will do exactly what you want.

The above works for any number of locations, not only two. However, if you don't want to create a new class/table and are sure you only have 1 or 2 locations, you can just create a query scope field:

integer :locations, :multiple => true do
if location == 'NY & Boston'
['NY', 'Boston']

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