Escaping the .Each { } Iteration Early in Ruby

escaping the .each { } iteration early in Ruby

While the break solution works, I think a more functional approach really suits this problem. You want to take the first 10 elements and print them so try

items.take(10).each { |i| puts i.to_s }

escaping the .each { } iteration early in Ruby

While the break solution works, I think a more functional approach really suits this problem. You want to take the first 10 elements and print them so try

items.take(10).each { |i| puts i.to_s }

The most idiomatic way to iterate through a Ruby array, exiting when an arbitrary condition met?

take and drop have a variant take_while and drop_while where instead of providing a fixed number of elements you provide a block. Ruby will accumulate values from the receiver (in the case of take_while) as long as the block returns true. Your code could be rewritten as

array.take_while {|pair| pair.sum < foo}.map(&:sum)

This does mean that you calculate the sum of some of these pairs twice.

Count iteration on the Enumerable cycle

You can put something like that together fairly easily. Something like

class Iter < Array
attr_reader :iteration

def initialize(*args)
@pointer = 0
@iteration = 1 # Current iteration

def next
self[@pointer].tap {
@pointer = (@pointer + 1) % size
@iteration += 1 if @pointer == 0

iter = [1,2,3]

7.times { puts 'iteration %d: %d' % [iter.iteration,] }

# iteration 1: 1
# iteration 1: 2
# iteration 1: 3
# iteration 2: 1
# iteration 2: 2
# iteration 2: 3
# iteration 3: 1

Ruby: de-escape special symbols in a loop

There unfortunately isn't a "good" way to do this. The normal case for needing this is decoding a transport format like AJAX, but those libraries just implement the correct mapping themselves, so you rarely need it in your own code. You have two options, really:

  1. Write out the mapping yourself, as you did in your original code. One thing you could do to make it more readable would be to create a dictionary and loop over that rather than chaining gsubs.

  2. Use eval to create a string. For example:

    c = 'n'
    newline = eval "\"\\#{c}\""

Best way to escape and unescape strings in Ruby?

Ruby 2.5 added String#undump as a complement to String#dump:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> dumped_newline = "\n".dump
=> "\"\\n\""
irb(main):002:0> undumped_newline = dumped_newline.undump
=> "\n"

With it:

def escape(s)

def unescape(s)

irb(main):001:0> escape("\n \" \\")
=> "\\n \\\" \\\\"
irb(main):002:0> unescape("\\n \\\" \\\\")
=> "\n \" \\"

Ruby efficient each loop

You could:

  • use puts instead of << to avoid explicit newlines
  • use center to center the caption horizontally
  • use map to generate the attribute strings and utilize puts' behavior of printing array elements on separate lines
  • use without to get a hash without the :Module key
  • use * to repeat a string

Applied to your code:

markdown =

coverage_hash_arr.each do |hash|
markdown.puts " Status on #{hash[:Module]} ".center(46, '-')
markdown.puts hash.without(:Module).map { |k, v| "- #{k}: #{v}" }
markdown.puts '-' * 46

Output via puts markdown.string:

-------------- Status on Mobile --------------
- name: Sheila Chapman
- age: 21

--------------- Status on Web ----------------
- name: Hendricks Walton
- age: 40

--------------- Status on Misc ---------------
- name: Torres Mcdonald
- age: 39

Note that the above isn't proper Markdown syntax. You might want to change your output to something like this:

### Status on Mobile
- name: Sheila Chapman
- age: 21

### Status on Web
- name: Hendricks Walton
- age: 40

### Status on Misc
- name: Torres Mcdonald
- age: 39

Values are skipped during array nested iteration in Ruby

If i understood correctly, maybe you could take a slightly different approach:

Considering this

id[0]--> store[0]-->group[0]
id[1]--> store[1]-->group[1]

then you don't need to nest loops, you could try looping only once and use an index to fetch each value form each array, something like this:

( - 1).each do |i|
puts "For ID: #{id[i]}"
value ="#{file_dir}/#{file_name[i]}_details.txt")
text =

text.each_line do |line|
if line.match(/#{group[i]}/)
print "group row #{group[i]}\n"
print "Its matching\n"
replace = text.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(id[i])}\,\s/, '')
.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(id[i])}/, '')
.gsub(/,\s*$/, '')
print "Not\n"
print "group row #{group[i]}\n"

This code assumes that id, file_name and group will always have the same size.

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