How to Trigger Mouse Event in Capybara Test

Unable to trigger mouse event in Capybara test

I've chosen to use Capybara webkit, and sadly I had to resort to executing javascript using jQuery:


is there any Alternative method for trigger in capybara?

page.execute_script(some_javascript), in particular some_javascript = "$(selector).trigger(event)". This will work on all drivers which are js-capable. Note that page.evaluate_script(some_javascript) could work too, but it's not guaranteed and discouraged (use evaluate_script only when script returns primitives).

I mean: execute client-side scripts which does what you want (trigger events).

How to emulate mouse hover with Capybara

Capybara provides Element#hover method from version 2.1:


This method is implemented in Capybara::Selenium::Driver in almost the same way as in @AlexD's answer.

Note that to use #hover in Selenium it's usually better to turn native events on:

Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
profile =
profile.native_events = true, :browser => :firefox, profile: profile)

What would prevent capybara/selenium from hovering over a visible element?

The problem you're running into is because the '.hoverme' element in your example at has a size of 0x0 px (this is also why you couldn't click it). The size is 0x0 because it only contains absolute positioned elements which don't technically count when calculating the auto size of the parent. If instead of attempting to hover over the .hoverme element you hover over the visible absolute positioned child (which actually has size) of the element the hover will work correctly (which is what you are actually doing when you do it manually in your example).


Reliable click function in capybara with selenium

No, there is no alternative click function in Capybara with selenium (other than potentially executing JS via execute_script). It's not likely the click isn't firing, it's more likely that it is firing at the "wrong" location due to animation on the page causing the calculated location of the click to be out of date by the time the click actually occurs. In that case disabling animation during testing can often help. If it isn't a wrong location issue, and you can create an example that exhibits the behavior, report it to either geckodriver or chromedriver and they will usually fix it pretty quickly (as long as you provide an example that replicates it).

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