Sidekiq Retry Count in Job

Retry Sidekiq worker from within worker

If you do not want to have nested workers, then in MailingWorker instead of enqueuing it again, raise an exception if the PDF is not present.
Also, configure the worker retry option, so that sidekiq will push it to the retry queue and run it again in sometime. According to the documentation,

Sidekiq will retry failures with an exponential backoff using the 
formula (retry_count ** 4) + 15 + (rand(30) * (retry_count + 1)) (i.e.
15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time). It will
perform 25 retries over approximately 21 days.

Worker code will be more like,

class MailingWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options retry: 5

def perform(d_id,model)

@d = eval(model).find(d_id)
@model = model
if @d.pdf.present?
raise "PDF not present"

Sidekiq: change rate of retry for failed job?

According to: you can do this:

class Worker
include Sidekiq::Worker

sidekiq_retry_in do |count|

How to get sidekiq retry_count from inside a job

There is no way to get the retry count from within the job, by design.

How to mark a sidekiq task/job for retry without raising an error?

You raise a specific error and tell the error service to ignore errors of that type. For NewRelic:

How do I get a sidekiq retry job from re-appearing in the dashboard?

There are two entries in the Retries because they are two different jobs. You can create "identical" jobs (with the same class and arguments) that differ only in their internal Job ID.

How to set a global retry limit in sidekiq?

Sidekiq.default_worker_options['retry'] = 10

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