Rspec Load Time Incredible Long on Os X

How to discover why RSpec is taking so long to start?

For anyone who comes here, the problem was that the RSpec was truncating every time I ran the tests.

I discovered it by checking the log while it was starting (tail -f log/test.log).

To solve that, I used the database_cleaner gem and configured it with :transaction as the clean strategy.

config.before(:each) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

RSpec documentation...where is it hiding?

Not sure why you feel isn't useful - here's the matcher docs there:

It may be that you're looking in the wrong spot; these were in the RSpec::Expectations gem, which is split out from the core in Rspec 2.

Controller action not running in rspec test

expect(controller).to receive(:index)

You've just stubbed your controller action. None of the code in your controller action is now running. Remove this line.

Why is this rspec request spec not updating the model?

you are fooled by how smart testing frameworks look :)
surely you expect the db entry for user_to_edit to change. user_to_edit is a local variable so user_to_edit.last_name will not change no matter what buttons you click. try with { user_to_edit.reload.last_name }

Using shoulda to refactor rspec tests on Rails models

1) The Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveRecord module has a lot more in it than just column and index matchers. I would dig around in the included classes a little and see what you can find. This is where the have_many, belong_to etc come from. For the record though, I see little value in most of what is in there.

2) Yes, macros such as have_many test a lot more than whether or not a model responds to a method. From the source code, you can see exactly what it is testing:

def matches?(subject)
@subject = subject
association_exists? &&
macro_correct? &&
foreign_key_exists? &&
through_association_valid? &&
dependent_correct? &&
class_name_correct? &&
order_correct? &&
conditions_correct? &&
join_table_exists? &&

3) Making the tests more readable and/or concise is definitely a subjective question to answer. Everyone will give you a different answer to this depending on their background and experience. I would personally get rid of all of the respond_to tests and replace them with tests that have value. When someone looks at your tests, they should be able to understand the public API for that class. When I see that your objects respond_to something like "following?", I can make assumptions, but don't really know what it means. Does it take an argument? Does it return a boolean value? Is the object following something or is something following the object?

Rspec & Factory Girl: Create one record to use before all describe blocks in a Model test

Use let:

RSpec.describe Movie, type: :model do

let(:movie) { build(:movie) }

describe 'an awesome movie' do
it "is awesome" do
expect(movie.awesome?).to be true

The let block is executed in the context of the example, so methods defined by let are available in the test. This is also true of before:

before do
movie.awesome = true

Statements in before are executed before the examples within the describe block. Note that before and let can also work with a nested describe, in which case they are defined for any context nested within the describe.

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