Testing Rake Task with Rspec with Rails Environment

testing rake tasks with Rspec is not accepting arguments

So, according to this and this, the following are some ways of calling rake tasks with arguments:




On the other hand, I was calling the task as:


Which was a Mis combination of the above two methods.

A big thank you to Jason for his contribution and suggestion.

Rspec testing rake tasks

It turns out that when a rake task has been invoked it won't be ran again. You have to either reenable the task after invocation or use execute

How to invoke RSpec inside a rake task?

To run RSpec through its rake integration, you need to both define a task and invoke it:

# all_tests.rake
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'

# Define the "spec" task, at task load time rather than inside another task

desc 'Run all tests, even those usually excluded.'
task all_tests: :environment do
ENV['RUN_ALL_TESTS'] = 'true'

Rake::Task['spec'].invoke did nothing when you tried it because rake turns a task name which is not a name of a defined task but is a file name into a Rake::FileTask, both on the command line and in Rake::Task. You had no 'spec' task defined, but you have a spec directory, so rake spec ran without error and did nothing.

Running Rake tasks in Rspec Tests

You can invoke Rake tasks as following:

require 'rake'

In this case this would result in the following code:

require 'rake'

Testing Rake in Rails: Multiple Error Raises Silenced In Test

I can think about two solution of your problem.

But first we need to find out where is the root of the problem.

Root of the problem

Let's start with a line from your code:

Rake::Task[task].enhance ['guard_dangerous_tasks']

Comparing it with source code of Rake::Task

# File rake/task.rb, line 96
def enhance(deps=nil, &block)
@prerequisites |= deps if deps
@actions << block if block_given?

you can see, that guard_dangerous_tasks should be added to @prerequisites array. It can be easily checked:

p Rake::Task['db:reset'].prerequisites # => ["environment", "load_config", "guard_dangerous_tasks"]

Continuing with you source code.

You use invoke to execute tasks. If we pay close attention to invoke's' documentation, it states:

Invoke the task if it is needed.

Once the task is executed, it could not be invoked again (unless we reenable it).

But why should this to be a problem? We are running different tasks, aren't we? But actually we don't!

We run guard_dangerous_tasks before all tasks in our tasks array! And it's being executed only once.

Solution #1 not the best one

As soon as we know where is our problem we can think about one (not the best solution).

Let's reenable guard_dangerous_tasks after each iteration:

dangerous_task = Rake::Task['guard_dangerous_tasks']
%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

Solution #2 guard_dangerous_tasks is not a prerequisite

We get better solution of our problem if we realize, that guard_dangerous_tasks should not be a prerequisite! Prerequisite are supposed to "prepare" stage and be executed only once. But we should never blind our eyes to dangers!

This is why we should extend with guard_dangerous_tasks as an action, which will be executed each time the parent task is run.

According to the source code of Rake::Task (see above) we should pass our logic in a block if we want it to be added as an action.

%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task|
Rake::Task[task].enhance do

We can leave our test unchanged now and it passes:

%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

But leaving invoke is a ticket for new problems. It's better to be replaced with execute:

%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].execute }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

Be careful with invoke!

We said above, that using invoke is a ticket for new problems. What kind of problems?

Let's try to test our code for both test and production environments. If we wrap our tests inside this loop:

['production','test'].each do |env_name|
env = ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.new(env_name)
allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return(env)

%w[ db:setup db:reset ].each do |task_name|
expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

our test will fail with original reason. You can easily fix this by replacing the line

expect { Rake::Task[task_name].invoke }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)


expect { Rake::Task[task_name].execute }.to raise_error(InvalidTaskError)

So what was the reason? You probably already guess it.

In failing test we invoked the same two tasks twice. First time they were executed. The second time they should be reenabled before invokation to execute. When we use execute, action is reenable automatically.

Note You can find working example of this project here: https://github.com/dimakura/stackoverflow-projects/tree/master/31821220-testing-rake

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