Mocking Chain of Methods in Rspec

How do I 'expect' a chain of methods using Rspec where the first method takes a parameter?

Generally speaking, I prefer not to use stub chains, as they are often a sign that you are violating the Law of Demeter. But, if I had to, this is how I would mock that sequence:

let(:vanity_url) { 'https://vanity.url' }
let(:partner_campaigns) { double('partner_campaigns') }
let(:loaded_partner_campaigns) { double('loaded_partner_campaigns') }

let(:partner_campaign) do
double("Contentful::Model", fields {:promotion_type => "Promotion 1"}

before do
.to receive(:find_by)
.with(vanity_url: vanity_url)

.to receive(:load)

.to receive(:first)

Stubbing Chained Methods with Rspec

I figured something out.

Client.stub!(:named_scope).and_return(@clients = mock([Client]))
@clients.stub!(:first).and_return(@client = mock(Client))

which allows me to call my controller:

@client = Client.named_scope(param).first

It works, but is there a better solution?


The release of rspec 1.2.6 allows us to use stub_chain meaning it can now be:

Client.stub_chain(:named_scope, :chained_call).and_return(@clients = [mock(Client)])

This was top of my head, as always check the api for specifics :)

RSpec: Stub chains with arguments?

You can use this:

Payment.stub_chain(:order, :where).with(:updated_at).with(:paid => true) { return_this }

How to stub two chained ActiveRecord methods in RSpec?

RSpec gives you two ways to stub chained method calls.

The succinct way is receive_message_chain:

allow(Green::Trees).to receive_message_chain(:where, :find_each).and_yield(tree)

That doesn't let you specify arguments, however, although it often isn't important to do so.

If you care about arguments, you can do it like this:

results = double
allow(Green::Tree).to receive(:where).with(id: ids).and_return(results)
allow(results).to receive(:find_each).and_yield(tree)

What you wrote would work, but it's incorrect since where doesn't return the class Green::Tree, but an ActiveRecord relation. Green::Tree does implement find_each, but it's a different method with the same name as the one on the relation. Very confusing!

RSpec: how to chain receive().with()?

IMHO you have to go the long way. There is no shorter way to describe it.

Regardless of that, I would recommend you overthink your testing strategy. At the moment you test that a very specific combination of methods is called but not if these method calls are actually doing what you want them to do.

Instead, I would create an example record that should be deleted (and perhaps a couple that should not be deleted), then run the job and afterward test that only the expected record was deleted.

For example like this:

let!(:record_to_be_deleted) { 
Delayed::Job.create!(queue: 'produceable', locked_at: nil)
let!(:records_to_stay) do
Delayed::Job.create!(queue: 'produceable', locked_at: Time.current),
Delayed::Job.create!(queue: 'default', locked_at: nil)

it "should remove only expected records" do
expect {
}.to chance { Delayed::Job.count }.from(3).to(2)

expect {
}.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)

The rule of thumb is to test the expected outcome, not the specific implementation. Because the implementation might change, will be refactored or might break in future versions.

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