Accessing Headers from Sinatra

Accessing headers from Sinatra

Try use before block with headers method:

before do
headers "HTTP_AUTH" => "test"
headers "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8"

or in request:

get '/' do
headers['HTTP_AUTH'] = "test"
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=600'
puts headers # show headers on this request

Use headers with is just hash

How to read headers in Sinatra?

Use request.env for accessing request headers EX: header_token = request.env["HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN"]

How to access *incoming* headers in Sinatra?

Have you tried adding HTTP to the header name? So it would be request.env["HTTP_ MyHeader"] This is part of the rack spec.

Authenticate using headers in Sinatra

The answer is simple:

By default, Sinatra listens on port 4567, so I just made sure it's binding to all the interfaces just in case i want to call it from its external IP address and disabled any verbose error output as follow:


require "sinatra"

set :bind, ""
disable :show_exceptions
disable :raise_errors

post "/" do

# Check if the header matches
# If it did not match then halt and return code 401 Unauthorized

if request.env["HTTP_custom_header_name"] != "verystrongpassword"
halt 401

#the rest of your code goes here

status :ok


Note that when comparing header value , HTTP must always be included and then goes the name of your header - Link


require "sinatra"

set :bind, ""
disable :show_exceptions
disable :raise_errors

post "/" do

# Check if the header matches
# If it did not match then halt and return code 401 Unauthorized

if request.env["HTTP_X_GIT_SECRET"] != "d4c74594d841139328695756648b6bd6"
halt 401

data = JSON.parse
p data

status :ok


Where X_GIT_SECRET is a header name


if you don't know what is the name of the header being sent to sinatra then you may check all the request content by putting the following before the if statement up:

p request.env

and then try sending a request again, find your header and do the comparison based on it.

Note: status :ok aka 200 OK, was set at the end of the block because when someone sends a request to sinatra it should return something, else an 500 internal server error would occur.

Where should I set HTTP headers, such as Expires?

After talking though and answering this question and seeing the comment above, I think I have figured out the answer to my own question.

The whole point of nginx actually removes the first two options.

That leads to Option #3. This is where all the other content config is set, such as gzip compression.

How to get Headers from request?

# or

It is worth mentioning that,sinatra will process custom header:

  • add prefix HTTP_
  • capitalize every letter
  • gsub - to _

You can use request.env to access all headers.

For detail information about what variable will be added HTTP_ you can refer there

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