Parsing Httparty Response

Parsing HTTParty response

Do you have any code that is throwing an error? The parsed_response variable from the HTTParty response is a hash, not an array. It contains one key, "data" (the string, NOT the symbol). The value for the "data" key in the hash is an array of hashes, so you would iterate as such:

data = ret.parsed_response["data"]
data.each do |item|
puts item["name"]
puts item["category"]
puts item["id"]
# etc

Parse JSON from HTTParty using Ruby on Rails

HTTParty.get returns an encapsulated response type of class HTTParty::Response, you need to retrieve the parsed response from that by:

response = HTTParty.get(
:headers =>{'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
@category = response.parsed_response # this will return the json.

Also you do not need to iterate on @category in your case, the json object is singular and you can directly use it:


Rails: Parsing HTTParty

This usually works for me

response = HTTParty.get(url, options)
puts response.body

HTTParty parsing sub-component of response

First of all, if possible, move the HTTParty stuff to a worker. This way, you will avoid your app crashing if the server you are hiting for the data is unavailable. Otherwise, make sure to wrap the HTTParty stuff in a begin - rescue - end block and catch appropriate exceptions there.
Second of all, passing the entire JSON to a view and accessing it in the view is a bad practice because it drastically slows down template rendering. Instead, create a service object that would return the data model that's easy to access in a view. Give it a name that somehow describes what it relates to - MyJsonParser is probably not the best name, but you know what I mean. Implement a #call method which returns the data for you in a format that's easy to access in the view.


class MyJsonPArser
def call
response = post_request


def post_request

def parse_structures(response)
structures = response["structures"]
# do more work with the big structures array ...



def your_method
@data =


<% @data.each do |item| %>
<div><%= item %></div>
<% end %>

Parsing XML HTTParty response

Assuming you have a response shown:

resp = ["Route", {
"RouteNo" => "016", "Name" => "29TH AVENUE STN/ARBUTUS ", "OperatingCompany" => "CMBC", "Patterns" => {
"Pattern" => [{
"PatternNo" => "E5TP", "Destination" => "29TH AVE STN", "RouteMap" => {
"Href" => ""
}, "Direction" => "EAST"
}, {
"PatternNo" => "EB1", "Destination" => "29TH AVE STN", "RouteMap" => {
"Href" => ""
}, "Direction" => "EAST"
}, {
"PatternNo" => "EB5", "Destination" => "29TH AVE STN", "RouteMap" => {
"Href" => ""
}, "Direction" => "EAST"

which is in turn an array of two elements, first being 'Route' and the last being a hash with all properties, to get the name use simply:


Noob with HTTParty and parsing / accessing responses

Just put the json in a variable

example = {"success"=>true, "error"=>nil, "response"=>[{"loc"=>`{"lat"=>51.062831878662, "long" ... }` 

then, for example you can do:


If you need more help, please be more specific.

How get pdf file from httparty get response

You can do it like this:

filename = "tmp/test.pdf", "w") do |file|
HTTParty.get(URL_TO_PDF, stream_body: true) do |fragment|

Replace URL_TO_PDF with your pdf url

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