Factory_Girl + Rspec Doesn't Seem to Roll Back Changes After Each Example

Why isn't factory_girl operating transactionally for me? - rows remain in database after tests

Finally fixed this and I hope I can save someone the six hours of debugging it took me to figure it out.

By a) getting lucky and ending up with a version of code that worked and b) stripping both sets of code down this is what I found:

Test that chokes up

require 'spec_helper'

describe UsersController do

@user = Factory.create(:user)

Test that works

require 'spec_helper'

describe UsersController do

it "should make a factory models without choking" do
@user = Factory.create(:user)

The transaction is defined by the it "should do something" do... statement. If you instantiate the factory outside that statement it turns out not to be transactional.

You can also put it outside the "it should.." block as long as it's in a "before..end" block

require 'spec_helper'

describe UsersController do

before(:each) do
@user = Factory.create(:user)

it 'should make a factory without choking' do
puts @user.name
# prints out the correnct name for the user

On experimenting, it seems to be valid to define a user outside of an "it should do..end" block as long as it's in a "before.. end" block. I guess this is only executed in the scope of the "it should do..end" block and therefore works fine.

[Thanks to @jdl for his (also correct) suggestion]

factory_girl causing RSpec spec to fail after Rails 4 upgrade

The question marks aren't a problem; they're placeholders for the values.

This part of your array of values

["career_goal", ["Illum et sunt.", "Illo sapiente nesciunt reiciendis nulla fugit est autem."]]

indicates that career_goal is set to an array. Change it to a single string (with join or by rewriting it, whatever).

FactoryGirl, Rspec, let, and before issues

Check the rspec doc: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/v/2-11/docs/helper-methods/let-and-let

Note that let is lazy-evaluated: it is not evaluated until the first time the method it defines is invoked. You can use let! to force the method's invocation before each example.

In other words if you use let along with factory_girl a record will not be created before let-variable invocation.

The correct code is:

# will test that get_count_for_list will return 5
describe ApiController do

# why same name - seems really confusing!
let!(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
let!(:user2) { FactoryGirl.create(:user2) }

Is it possible to use FactoryGirl without Rails?

By default factory_girl creates saved instances. If you don't want to save the object to the database, you can create unsaved instances using the build method.

require 'spec_helper'
require 'note'

describe Note do
it "should return body" do
@note = Factory.build(:note)
note.body.should == 'body of a note'

See "Using Factories" in the Getting Started file.

Database not being cleared when using Capybara and RSPEC

For anyone who needs this in the future, this problem has been solved.
Like zetetic said, I can't use Capybara with transactional fixtures.

To fix the problem, I used Database Cleaner.

gem install database_cleaner

group :test do
gem 'database_cleaner'

bundle install


config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
module ::RSpec::Code
class ExampleGroup
include Capybara::DSL
include Capybara::RSpecMatchers

foo_bar file:

before(:all) {
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
after(:all) {

Skip callbacks on Factory Girl and Rspec

I'm not sure if it is the best solution, but I have successfully achieved this using:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
first_name "Luiz"
last_name "Branco"

after(:build) { |user| user.class.skip_callback(:create, :after, :run_something) }

factory :user_with_run_something do
after(:create) { |user| user.send(:run_something) }

Running without callback:


Running with callback:


Invalid record when declaring two Factories in before (:each) in Rspec

The knowledge class has an associated professor record. Since you are not pasing an explicit professor record to the create method, you are creating a new professor at the same time you creates the knowledge.

One way or another, you are creating two professors with the same attributes. There must be a validation of uniqueness or something like this.

Try this:

before (:each) do
@professor = FactoryGirl.create(:professor)
@knowledge = FactoryGirl.create(:knowledge, :professor => @professor)
sign_in @professor

It should work.

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