Heroku Won't Reset My Database

Unable to Reset Heroku Shared Database

I just got this feedback from Heroku support:

Hi, this is due to a bug in the heroku client. An updated release should be out later today >or monday.

You may want to instead take this opportunity to try out the new dev databases:

June 08, 2012 09:47

Looks like you have to wait around or use the dev databases.

Heroku: reinitialize database for Phoenix

From what I remember, Heroku don't let you 'drop' databases but do have built in commands that do let you reset the database.

If you have the CLI toolkit for heroku you should be able to run these commands:

heroku pg:reset DATABASE_NAME

Then you can run

heroku run mix ecto.migrate

This should reset all of your counters and everything else you were after.

For more info, have a look at this link here on Heroku's website

adding migration to heroku forces reset?

forgot about this question..

after rake run db:migrate you must do heroku restart for the schema changes to take affect.

Database problems with Heroku/Django: won't keep information after every push

Heroku's filesystem is ephemeral: any changes you make to files will be lost the next time your dyno restarts, which happens frequently (at least once per day). Since SQLite is a file-based database it is incompatible with Heroku.

You can use a client-server database instead. Heroku's own PostgreSQL add-on should be already set up for you, but you can use any of several others if you prefer.

dj-database-url can simplify this for you: it lets you set your database configuration up from the DATABASE_URL environment variable, which should already be set up by Heroku Postgres.

Here's an example of how to use dj-database-url to use the DATABASE_URL environment variable if it's present and fall back to another database if it isn't:

DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config(default='sqlite://db.sqlite3')

I've shown an example that falls back to SQLite, but in reality I strongy recommend using the same database engine in all of your environments. Django's ORM helps "even out" different database engines, but there are still differences. You don't want to be in a position where your code works locally with SQLite, but fails in production with PostgreSQL.

Heroku rake db:migrate does not create tables (Rails 5)

rake db:migrate won't load the schema.rb file. It'll only run the migrations. If you want to load the schema then you can use rake db:schema:load.

You might also need to be careful if you reinstate your migrations to run again as the schema_migrations table probably has a record of all your migrations having run already. You'd need to clear that table too (delete the records - not drop the table) in order to indicate that your migrations should run again.

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