Getting Error from Devise "User Does Not Respond to 'Devise' Method" When Running "Rails Generate Devise:Install"

getting error from devise User does not respond to 'devise' method when running rails generate devise:install

It sounds like you already have the devise method being called in your User model. Perhaps you already ran rails g devise User ?

Comment that out, and comment out the devise_for :users line in your routes file, if that is in there.

User does not respond to 'devise' method

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getting error from devise "User does not respond to 'devise' method" when running "rails generate devise:install"

1st answer will probably solve your problem.

I ran rails generate devise MODEL before rails generate devise:install

You can undo generation commands with rails destroy ..., so in your case it would be:

$ rails destroy devise MODEL

If that doesn't work for whatever reason, you can just delete the model and migration - they're only files.

Installing Devise: `PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation users does not exist`

Did you have a User model before? It seems that devise thought that too and it's trying to add its columns to a non-existent User model.

This is what I would do...

  1. Run rails db:drop
  2. Delete db/schema.rb file.
  3. Delete db/migrate/20190915133638_add_devise_to_users.rb
  4. Run rails generate devise:install again
  5. Run rails db:migrate


If the previous steps didn't work then try to create a users table before devise's migration.

For this follow these steps:

  1. rails g model User
  2. Change the name of the migration file so it will be executed right before the AddDeviseToUsers migration.
  3. Run rails db:migrate

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