Benefits of Using 'Hash#Fetch' Over 'Hash#[]'

Benefits of using `Hash#fetch` over `Hash#[]`

Three main uses:

  1. When the value is mandatory, i.e. there is no default:


    You get a nice error message too:

    key not found: :repeat
  2. When the value can be nil or false and the default is something else:

    if (doit = options.fetch(:repeat, 1))
    # options[:repeat] is set to nil or false, do something else maybe
  3. When you don't want to use the default/default_proc of a hash:

    options =
    options[:foo] || :default # => 42
    options.fetch(:foo, :default) # => :default

fetch vs. [] when working with hashes?

By default, using #[] will retrieve the hash value if it exists, and return nil if it doesn't exist *.

Using #fetch gives you a few options (see the docs on #fetch):

  • fetch(key_name): get the value if the key exists, raise a KeyError if it doesn't
  • fetch(key_name, default_value): get the value if the key exists, return default_value otherwise
  • fetch(key_name) { |key| "default" }: get the value if the key exists, otherwise run the supplied block and return the value.

Each one should be used as the situation requires, but #fetch is very feature-rich and can handle many cases depending on how it's used. For that reason I tend to prefer it over accessing keys with #[].

* As Marc-André Lafortune said, accessing a key with #[] will call #default_proc if it exists, or else return #default, which defaults to nil. See the doc entry for ::new for more information.

Are there benefits to returning a tapped hash over an immediate hash?

Using tap, you could use conditionals (or more complex logic):

def some_method
{}.tap do |data|
data[:foo] = something if condition
data[:bar] = something_else unless condition

But even in this case, I'd probably avoid tap and write:

def some_method
data = {}
data[:foo] = something if condition
data[:bar] = something_else unless condition

How do I use the fetch method for nested hash?

EDIT: there is a built-in way now, see this answer.

There is no built-in method that I know of. I have this in my current project

class Hash
def fetch_path(*parts)
parts.reduce(self) do |memo, key|
memo[key.to_s] if memo

# usage
hash.fetch_path('name', 'Mike', 'age')

You can easily modify it to use #fetch instead of #[] (if you so wish).

Whenever X is true do X, otherwise Y

How about a ternary operator?

@transactionparams = {:thing => "foo"}
puts @transactionparams ? @transactionparams[:thing] : 0
@transactionparams = nil
puts @transactionparams ? @transactionparams[:thing] : 0

Why ever use an array instead of a hash?

Retrieving from hash is faster in a sense that you can fetch value directly by key instead of iterating over whole hash (or array when you're searching for particular string). Having that said, $hash{key} isn't faster than $array[0] as no iteration is taking place.

Arrays can't be replaced by hashes, as they have different features,

                       arrays hashes
ordered keys x -
push/pop x -
suitable for looping x -
named keys - x

Passing hashes instead of method parameters

Both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages, when you use an options hash replacing standard arguments you lose clarity in the code defining the method but gain clarity whenever you use the method because of the pseudo-named paramaters created by using an options hash.

My general rule is if you either have a lot of arguments for a method (more than 3 or 4) or lots of optional arguments then use an options hash otherwise use standard arguments. However when using an options hash it is important to always include a comment with the method definition describing the possible arguments.

How to change Hash values?

my_hash.each { |k, v| my_hash[k] = v.upcase } 

or, if you'd prefer to do it non-destructively, and return a new hash instead of modifying my_hash:

a_new_hash = my_hash.inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = v.upcase; h } 

This last version has the added benefit that you could transform the keys too.

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