Rails 3 Cli Executes Commands Really Slow

Slow loading rails environment

I solved it with downgrating my ruby stack to ree-1.8.7 :(

slow rails stack

That is bothering me also, since I have switched to Rails 3.

To your second question: I found by digging through the framework that the initializers take about half the time of a simple rake or rails call before it actually starts doing its task.

If you put these simple timing lines into the loop of initializer calls in $GEM_PATH/gems/railties-3.0.3/lib/rails/initializable.rb (or piggy-back it if you like):

def run_initializers(*args)
return if instance_variable_defined?(:@ran)
t0 = Time.now
initializers.tsort.each do |initializer|
t = Time.now
puts("%60s: %.3f sec" % [initializer.name, Time.now - t])
puts "%60s: %.3f sec" % ["for all", Time.now - t0]
@ran = true

EDIT: Or, for railties 4.2.1:

def run_initializers(group=:default, *args)
return if instance_variable_defined?(:@ran)
t0 = Time.now
initializers.tsort.each do |initializer|
t = Time.now
initializer.run(*args) if initializer.belongs_to?(group)
puts("%60s: %.3f sec" % [initializer.name, Time.now - t])
puts "%60s: %.3f sec" % ["for all", Time.now - t0]
@ran = true

... you can follow up what happens. On my system, which is a 2.4 Core 2 Duo MacBook the initializers take about 7 seconds.

There are a few that are especially slow on my system. When I filter all out below a second, I get this result on my system:

                load_active_support: 1.123 sec
active_support.initialize_time_zone: 1.579 sec
load_init_rb: 1.118 sec
set_routes_reloader: 1.291 sec

I am sure somebody (is it me?) will take some time to start there and optimize.

Slow loading of rails environment

If you are using Ruby 1.9 then see this blog post it may be the issue you are experiencing. If it is it has to do with the amount of requires in your project and the way that method is implemented in 1.9. There is a patch available to improve this performance.

Rails 3.1, rspec, guard and spork is really slow on windows

Because rspec loads the rails environment, it's slow. The more gems you have the slower it gets

Thats why spork is a great tool. It loads the rails environment and guard can look for the changes without reloading the rails environment. But there is a bug in the guard-spork gem. It does not work with windows because it depends on fork. Even tough spork do not use fork on windows guard-spork does. Fork is not supported on non-UNIX systems.

I researched the problem and ended up with a different aproach. I facture out the logic to the lib folder and do not include the spec_helper file in the specs. Then rails does not get loaded, only the spesific test logic. This is fast and force me to write more readable code.

Check out this video on a talk by Cory Haines, for more on the subject.

rails generate' commands hang when trying to create a model

If your rails generate commands hangs, it is most likely that the generated binstubs of rails are the issue. As you mentioned, you renamed the project.

My educated guess is that some paths in the binstubs were still set to the old project directory but did not exist any longer.

There is a great article on how binstubs work here: https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/wiki/Understanding-binstubs

rails 4

To reset the binstubs, just delete your bin/ directory in rails and run:

# generates binstubs for ALL gems in the bundle
bundle install --binstubs

# ...OR, generate binstubs for a SINGLE gem (recommended)
bundle binstubs rake

rails 5/rails 6

To reset the binstubs, just delete your bin/ directory in rails and run:

rake app:update:bin

Why do we need to use the 'rake' command for rails 5 and higher, and not the 'rails' command itself?

Since rails 5 some 'rake' commands are encapsulated within the 'rails' command. However when one deletes 'bin/' directory one is also removeing the 'rails' command itself, thus one needs to go back to 'rake' for the reset since 'rails' is not available any longer but 'rake' still is.

Ruby on Rails console is hanging when loading

Restarting Spring should fix the hanging commands:

$ bin/spring stop

I experienced hanging commands (rake, bin/rails, etc.) after deleting and recreating a new Ruby on Rails application. Google wasn't that helpful. I hope this is.

Spring will start automatically when you re-run your command.

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