Can't Run Bundle Update on Windows

Can't run bundle update on Windows

Are you running a pre-release version of Bundler? This commit might be related to your problem; it looks like earlier versions of Bundler scan your %PATH% for "git", but not "git.exe".

The easiest solution would be to backport bundler to 1.3.5:

gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler

Can't run bundle update because of json 1.7.5

ruby dk.rb install --force in the DevKit directory did the trick.

Bundle install is not working

It's a connectivity issue.

I solved it through hideMe VPN. It is used to bypass blocked websites or for servers down only for a particular user.

Now everything seems to work just fine.

Can't run Bundle install in Cygwin?

To see more detail of the gem install process (including compile output) run the command directly with verbose -V

gem install eventmachine -V -v '1.0.3'

You will need the c++ build tools and a couple of other packages installed in Cygwin to build the eventmachine native extension

Add these packages to cygwin via setup or apt-cyg

gcc-core gcc-g++ make binutils w32api openssl openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel

Then try the gem install again, with -V if you still have failures.

gem install eventmachine -v '1.0.3'

Ruby on Rails cannot bundle install

Solved by using the following two commands:
gem update --system
gem install bundler

Bundler 2 won't run rspec

I think the issue was with my default version of bundler. You can see that with gem list bundler.

I ended up uninstalling ruby and re-installing it, followed by a fresh installation of bundler 2 and all the other gems. Fixed it.

Bundler: You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing your Gemfile

The error message you're getting regarding Gemfile.lock may be because your Gemfile and Gemfile.lock don't agree with each other. It sounds like you've changed something in your Gemfile since you last ran bundle install (or update). When you bundle install, it updates your Gemfile.lock with any changes you've made to Gemfile.

Make sure you run bundle install locally, and check-in to source control your newly updated Gemfile.lock after that. Then try deploying.

Edit: As recognised in the comments, a conditional in the Gemfile resulted in a valid Gemfile.lock on one platform, invalid on another. Providing a :platform flag for these platform-dependent gems in the Gemfile should solve the asymmetry.

bundle exec not working in Windows

Do you have rake rubygem installed? Try to run this in CMD:

gem install rake

Then run the command again:

bundle exec rake generate_secret_token

I'm looking at this: source

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